Forum Curses: The Second Act

1 d 500 please

most of the rounds connect, a few miss though

oh wow okay so that’s a whole 477 damage.
you’re on a very slight cooldown but I won’t make it that long

if we assume each bullet is like 10 damage then that’s an instant 4270 damage


that’s awful :skull:

we’re never winning if this is how bad a barrage attack is

I’m sure the power of friendship will win

My brother in Christ, this is an enemy with 150k who can potentially party wipe given the collateral attack

1% of 150k is 1500.

I have literally dealt less than 1% of this guy’s health with all of my attacks combined

if we assume that everyone (which is like 4 people) is attacking and dealing damage this piss poor, we aren’t even gonna be breaking 5%

just friend more

Watch me stab taitic for 1000 dmg

@discobot 1d1000

Fuck im taking out the dice generator

I can’t just make new players randomness that’s your job :sob:

:person_shrugging: I’m sure I’ll think of some way to help

1 damage total

should i roll for this

okay just doing a dark sea run rn will be back

I fall from the sky into the plot, conviniently


is there like, anything maybe of interest in the arena we can exploit?

like maybe some kind of environmental hazard or something we can use to deal better damage against TAITC

(refer to something like the stagelights used in the TDS lunar overture act 2 event)

Chat can we use the tank fish method?