Forum Curses: The Second Act

wait what’s the next wave of retracted curse users

did you mix me up with martyn (life vs biochemical)

randomness actually mixed me up

controlling martyn: heal the 4 most injured people

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 6

Oh nah Gabriel gets tired of this and just leave the battle to chill in a casino

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 1


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Hi what have I missed

some attacks and it turns out randomness was meant to disable my curse instead of martyn’s

Truly incredible

Turns out discobot got rigged by Randomness

nah I disabled Martyn’s for a bit then disabled yours

Singularity Barrage

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 6


They each heal… 2 hp.

Let’s say 200 damage.


180 Damage

BBEG turn

TAITC uses Curse Blast

Targeting Gabriel Banks
It deals 15 Damage

TAITC uses Various Glitch Attacks

Apolo takes 20 damage.

TAITC uses Eviscerate

TAITC Grabs Joseph Hamn and attempts to launch multiple Curses into him. If this attack hits he will instantly be brought to 0 HP. Anybody may attempt to roll a D20 + 3 check to distract TAITC and save Joseph. There is a secret number which has already been rolled that serves as the DC for this check.


TAITC uses Reflective Bolt

TAITC charges up a bolt of Glitch energy which would reflect between your allies, dealing 10 damage to everyone if it hits. Up to 5 people may roll to attempt to reflect this back onto TAITC, which will deal 10,000 damage to him. If at least 3 people roll above 10, this attack will be reflected, otherwise it will hit you all. Duved has a +3 bonus on this move.

TAITC uses Binary Sword Rush

Duved takes 6 damage, Macy Barion takes 24 damage.

Quick rule, if you roll to stop Eviscerate you cannot roll to stop Reflective Bolt.

I think I’m at 25 right now

Seeing as I’m now above more than half hp, It’s time for me to attack again.

I cast Greater Chain: Vertical (It’s just a really, really, big chain being slammed downwards)

@discobot roll 1d20