Forum Curses: The Second Act

3/5 Tries and 1/3 successes

who’s the other try?

Lucky decides to throw all of his plans in the gutter and runs into the fight. Why think when can use gun?

I shoot TAITC with my shotgun which, of course, is painted red with not-blood.

surely this will do something

Also pretty sure everyone I’m near gets advantage until i fucking die lmao


1 point of damage


only you and syk have tried

150k damage instantly you win

jk the bullets dissolve

dude this is so lame let’s just go ask someone competent enough to deal with this

we are literally not getting any more damage boosts and it’s starting to feel like we’re stagnating in progress


I leave.

Truly, Lucky is unlucky.

oh my god please just wait


Yes, so 3/5 tries, I’m referring to the remaining tries

guess i’ll heal him

ohh okay that uh doesn’t make much sense but alright

healed to 5hp.

Some other people need to try and distract TAITC, you still need 2 distractions else you all take 10 hp damage (sock can’t do this)

wait for what bro :skull:

I roll to sit down and do nothing like that one episode from spongebob

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16