Forum Curses: The Second Act

That’s a surprisingly high roll for doing nothing but I guess I get to take a breather now

not like anything really crazy was happening anyway :sweat:

you’ve attacked like twice you don’t need to roll for doing nothing
I’m here taking in the feedback I’m getting and trying to make this fight more interactive and fun, I’m trying to think of a decent collection of interesting moves to go up against. You’re completely ignoring my attempts to do this :sob:

You could try deflecting the glitch bolt so we all don’t eat 10 damage to the face

Club spongebob - part 3 - YouTube

reflecting a lightning bolt 15 times is crazy

Time to finally charge up a combo and hope to god nothing happens
16 hours of re-charging up


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Ray, barely holding on with 3 health rn, uses the Acumen’s bow form to rain down arrows on TAITC
(when do we get curses back?)

Apolo picks up his set square knife and makes a miniature Singularity Vortex in the middle of the set square, before hurling it at TAITC.

About time I got a bit more creative, this attack is 2d20 - one for the knife itself and one for the Vortex.

If the Vortex (the second result) rolls higher than the knife (the first result) the knife is destroyed and I can’t use it again

This attack is called Singularity Geometric Toss

@discobot roll 2d20

:game_die: 17, 19

Everyone bid your farewells to the set square knife

It was decent, it helped a lot, and it really shouldn’t have existed :saluting_face:

“We’ll just buy another one!”

Jk that’s the end of the knife

Apolo realises he just destroyed part of his maths class equipment and silently swears to himself 302 times

soon. The acumen decides to do 3150 damage. Curse Retract will be swapped shortly.

Rip set square knife

The knife does 750 Damage, whilst the Vortex hits 2150 damage for 2900 total damage

nope nvm I did the acumen bit wrong it should be doing 3500 damage

What’s even worse is that theoretically I could’ve done that so many more times but no the knife gets destroyed on literally attempt 1

hi @Randomness I roll to make this clone’s acumen the true acumen momentarily

and my raincoat