Forum Curses: The Second Act

No spoilers but it is more important than the others.

It gives you a :frowning_face:
and then brings you to the main forum page.
Please stand by while your profile is being created.

would the activities affect the outcome of the game in the grand scheme

Perhaps. A major part of the few plot points I have written will be a part of it, but the most important bit will still be accessible either way.

i guess i’ll join

Profile Complete @Dudeman
Duved Manus on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
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Oh we going AO style? Just swap it to healing, if you still dont like idea explosion magic is it

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In that case
The forum pops up with a large notification.
Hey there! Did you know that there’s a performance being ran by the Theatre Club soon? We recommend for you to join and participate, and we’re sure that you’ll have fun!!!

[Yes] [No]

Like I watch it or actually take part in?

I click [Yes]

About me: Human, probably.

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@Archenhailor Profile Complete
Arkenheilor Ferzorik on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
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About me:

i exist, i guess

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Take part in.
anyway you clicked yes so you have no choice.

Also slight issue, due to a strange forum bug you can’t choose healing. Your second option of Explosion Magic works however.

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who made this :sob:

That’s Aya Ayayaya ofc

Profile Complete @ItsNotMe
Gabriel Banks on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
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“Dont gamble or you gonna end in the academy”

Name: ‘David’ (D.A.V.I.D) Blademan.
Age: Unknown.
Favorite Subject: Comedy, Film.
Theoretical Magic ability: Manifeststion Magic.
(basically the ability to summon something you’ve encountered during your adventures and use it at any time, so he can summon and armchair and host a talk show in class, summon a boost of speed to run and Mach 6, and even summon an explosive. The stronger or larger the item, the more power is needed to summon it.)
Physical abilities: Unbeknownst to many, He hosts a nigh Unbreakable Shell of armor surrounding his small body. The only elements that can pierce it to a damaging point are strong volts of electricity and Super hot lava. Also has wings. That’s cool.
Clubs: Drama club, Robotics Club. Absolute teacher’s pet in drama.

I feel like if I let this through I might have to let some other things through.
I’m trying to encourage people to use “AO Like” concepts for this just so we don’t end up with a Prometheus’ Arena Situation again where some people specifically engineer a really overpowered ability.

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