Forum Curses: The Second Act

go to sleep the polls will last until the sameish time tomorrow or longer possibly

They have magic energy pretending to be a storm cloud, this point is redundant.

Then I should win logically, plain and simple.

I have no idea what brainrot is causing you guys to pick storm over this when I have so many valid reasons for my weapon and weakness choice

Too bad get splatoon’d

Get some sleep bro

Thats the point.
The curse will damage you no matter what as its magic energy clashing with yours

No. It. Won’t.

I have literal superarmor.

even if it’s magic is should make me almost impenetrable to fodder lightning and cloudvapor.

I haven’t even MENTIONED what tomfuckery I can do with heat and gravity yet

Does not work like that

i can manipulate different biological molecules, such as different proteins that build up an organism’s body. i can also change them from one form to another.

i have a lot of chemicals. for the biochemicals in there such as different sugars, amino acids, etc, i can use my life magic to manipulate them.

@Randomness would me being able to transform into nuclear pasta, the strongest substance in the universe, provide some form of protection against lightning and vapor?

Either way you gonna die from radiation of the sun unless you arent affected by own curse

You are not becoming pasta you are turning into magic energy

uh yeah some I guess
but keep in mind the lightning curse is also magic so it can usually bypass some curse defences

why would I not be immune to my own curse lol

but excellent point, I can in fact emit MASSIVE levels of radiation in the form of pulsar beams.

okay fair point

@alive_d I am still overwhelmingly superior in offenses though

and there’s no arguing about that either, I have so many forms of offense it’s unbelievable

if I actually lose to the storm curse this is the most brainrotted event ever bro :skull:

that is strong. however, i also have transformation to combat that

my aubergine (acid) pencil would work well against those i believe

wait, are you experimental

I really need my opponent to come online because I cannot believe y’all think I’m losing to a guy who shoots normal ass lightning

i have no idea

me neither
didn’t you make a circle for imagination magic though