Forum Curses: The Second Act

im pretty sure my character has established that he doesn’t believe curses or magic exists and just doesn’t know he has a curse

Oh, he has a curse alright, we just don’t know if it’s a sea curse

The curse rewrites fate to prevent a life-threatening situation from happening or being life-threatening

i.e getting shot means the bullet wound will be mostly non-fatal and will heal rather quickly

So you can be defeated by put into submission.

You going unconscious isn’t fatal so kinda ehh

i think i just made deus ex machina the curse

And if you were to die of blood loss an ambulance carrying the correct blood type would just happen to pass by. That’s a nice curse, or rather, blessing you have there, eh?

Heya randomness, do we make roleplaying dialogue in another topic or that is just made up by you?

that’s mostly posts on the forum and some private/public events that’ll sometimes happen

posts on forum being the trello random has

Yes. Truly a contrived plot device.

the thing is that since imagination is a mental thing, it’s speed is basically the speed of thought, and there’s not really any way to physically get faster than that

and also my cyan pencil boosts speed anyway

I can’t believe the tempered brick made it in :rofl:
The enchantment curse is a curse that allows you to fiddle with the stats of objects. A couple stat examples are:

  • Durability
  • Resistance
  • Size

To name a few, but there could be more or less based on the user’s imagination. There is no limit to how far you can change an object’s stats, only that it takes exponentially more effort the further you want it to go, for example:

1x → 2x durability = 10 effort
1x → 4x durability = 100 effort

At certain curse mastery, the user can actually sacrifice stats in order to boost others:

1x Size → 0.5x Size = 8x Durability

the forum font did change hang on…

looks the same to me

its off

why does it look thicker

idk that’s what I’m saying

What did bro do to his forums account?

I don’t see any difference on my end

okay its
fixed now
I think
I’m scared