Forum Curses: The Second Act

i’m about to pull out coffin of the iron mountain lil bro

The electromagnetic force is stronger than the gravitational force by a factor of 10^36

I rub my hair with plastic and that’s enough to overcome the gravity of the entire earth.

Scale that up to an electromagnet the size of the sky and it’ll probably be enough to counteract the gravity of the situation of how the fuck are you going to use your curse without destroying the world with it? I assume we still need food and all, and if not, air? Hey, what about social interaction? You don’t have the personality/homunculus curse after all. And if someone else did have it, whoops! They’re dead.

Go ahead, use your curse. I’ll always win in the long term.

Also, someone pick the nuclear curse and anti-curse please I think that’s missing.

(Not important but questioning: What’s my range? Can I interact with the weather of other planets? Can I bring them to earth? And no, keep the name storm, it looks and sounds better than the weather curse even though my last name is just that)

absolutely not this is still a curse from AO

Neutron star?

Counting up the polls I won and comparing them to the ones sanek one, I got mid-diffed

you’d evaporate it into a plasma making it even more dangerous

I think its quite obvious that they can’t actually make neutron stars that would instantly win all battles. They can just exert the properties of one via magic.

yeah I don’t think destroying the city accidentally because you picked a curse that’s basically max attack size tripled with some maximum power build brought to the 8th power is very fun nor interesting

i cant believe im losing to sans from undertale

you also have the advantage of this fight taking place in Britain so you always have like a +7 to attack rolls because of weather

I know how that feels buddy

I am really curious as to what counts within one’s curse.

The lightning from my storms can’t affect me, what about the fire? Can I drown in my own water? In the same way, does the gravity affect the opponent? (I refuse to call him by his forum name, because these are characters you embody). If not, will the objects furling themselves at near light speed (As he claims(I think I read that somewhere)) kill him?

Wait, we’re supposed to injure the opponent and defeat them, not kill, right?

I really love the sky

I assume anything that directly comes from their curse is what they’re immune to

this is the most important part.

@Randomness Are there any penalties for intentionally going for fatal attacks?

yeah to win you need to force the opponent to surrender

Thunderbolt, stunned.


i feel like my curse which specifically only activates when I’m in danger of death may benefit from fatal strikes

then simply get into situations where that can happen

as in, run into people’s attacks, etc

Huh, would it work if you yourself intentionally put yourself into fatal situations? Knife to the throat? Blind knife throws?