Forum Curses: The Second Act


Sure, the man might not fall into a hole and die, but a random car passing by may face a sudden malfunction that could have happened and crash into the man, killing him

the random heart attack is a joke example of a possible event that may occur

what if I’ve been born with good genes though

Okay but like

Wait a second

if I just

kill you faster

doesn’t the heart attack just sorta stop

sure if you eliminate every possible way of you having a heart attack, then yes, you wouldn’t have a heart attack

no? the bad luck causes the heart attack but doesn’t continue it

If I went into embodiment form, would it stop?

(turning into neutronic plasma and then going back into a person)

Nothing like a playground argument in the late afternoon

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i dont remember neutronic plasma beings having a heart so sure

You try attacking me and a meteorite falls right through your head

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Okay well I dodge it and summon my stand with this image:

[Replying to: The Great Gathering ||| From: Calypso Eclypsione ||| Private Forum GC]

Oh THANK GOODNESS, the forum didn’t implode upon me making something with so many people (I was certain the site was going to crash immediately after lol). I don’t know if admins CAN see this at all, but I doubt they even know what’s going on, so this should be fine.

Other than that, I hope everyone is doing well! I didn’t have time to check the forum due to working on art and reading, plus rehearsals for Macbeth on top of that. Good luck to those who are still in the tournament (and PLEASE, don’t get hurt!).

I’m going to go for now (gotta walk for snacks cuz I can’t drive my uncle’s car + he refuses to drive me anywhere at this hour), have a nice day everyone! :3

[Don’t include this part in the thing but the reason I haven’t been talking for a while is because of me trying to make sure that I’m not sick after throwing up yesterday and because I was playing Neon White.]

Jay looked at the ceiling of her bedroom, trying to ignore the shattered fish bowl on her closet. The unfortunate situation has led her to consider leaving the theatre club. If she wanted to be on time for the rehearsals, she would’ve had to leave the house 3 minutes and 14 seconds ago. Her hand slid to her bag, she slowly put on her jacket and locked the door behind her, twice, just in case. Once arrived at school, she walked down to the auditorium. Her hand hesitated on the doorknob. The door looked strange, as if somebody had done something to it before. She took a few more seconds to think.

She then let go of the door and walked the other direction. To the bathrooms. She pulled out a strange grocery bag which was filled with water and a seemingly dead fish, 5 old scent candles, a long copper wire, a bag of red berries and matchsticks.

(what are all these paragraphs for?)

The Macbeth rehearsal event but I forgot to reply to it

I see…

Do we all need to write something?

It’s purely optional

Apolo stood above the stage, manning the lights. He’d always had a fear of heights, but it was time to face a fear. He was bored of just lying around and playing with his Singularity Curse. He was gonna make the best light show Odysseus Academy had ever seen.
That was the plan, anyway.
“God dammit, which one of these is meant to be pointing there?” Apolo muttered to himself in annoyance.
“You okay there, Apolo?” called his friend, Ladnas Creed.
“Yeah, no problem, Ladnas! Just a bit distracted - I’m thinking about the Trial again.”
“Oh, quit thinking about the Trial!” said Myles Saturn. “And, by the way, if you put a bit of yellow cellophane over that light, it will not matter at all where you point it.”
“Oh, okay, thanks, Myles!” Apolo called gratefully. The Hypergravitational Trio were used to helping each other out - Apolo was very nervous about fighting Tums Tomago, but he figured that with Myles and Ladnas, he would be just fine after, win or lose.
“APOLO! WHY IS THE LIGHT PURPLE?!” screeched Jane’s voice.
Whoops, Apolo thought. Wrong cellophane. Here we go again…

Helping out on the stage with the other 2 members of the unofficial “trio” we formed due to the similarities of our abilities, I happened to stumble upon something interesting. A faint, almost impossible to notice glimmer caught my eyes from under a dusty, cobweb ridden cloth that seemed to be draped over a large pile of boxes, which I assumed where either more stage props for later, or what the sensitive electronic equipment the stage used originated from.

Upon closer inspection of the boxes, after helping out Apolo, I bent down and cautiously lifted the white, musty sheet, revealing, a small, yet nonetheless intriguing, pocket magnifier. The lens was surprisingly clean, and it was attached to a rather decent quality fake leather cover, which had a small, rather unusual looking symbol on it embedded onto it, said symbol resembling what I can best describe as a mixture between an eye and a crosshair you’d see in a typical FPS game.

Picking up the curious lens and taking it with me back to where the commotion was, I tried finding a brighter light source to get a better look at it.

I took the small magnifier eventually outside into the sun, needing a break from all the noise and chatter that had been going on at the rudimentary construction site for the play. As I sat out there, the magnifier was doing something that caught my attention. The sunlight that hit onto the lens was seemingly burning some grass underneath it, which, at first, I found this mostly just funny rather than anything of significance, until…

It hit me.

The idea, it was… incredible…

Since I gave my baseball bat to Micah for the tournament, due to my lack of combat prowess and realization that I needed a little more training and optimization before I can partake in any fight, I’ve been trying to find a substitute weapon for quite a while, and I think that this pocket magnifier may be the first clue to my ultimate answer.

I decided to do a smallscale test with my curse, which, I’d been practicing with a bit whenever I was free from responsibility. I made the notion that, since certain neutron stars emit special beams known as “jets”, which are essentially massive projections of heat, light, and radiation, I wonder if I could, concentrate those jets somehow, into some kind of powerful laser ray. The reason I’d wish to concentrate these beams anyways was due to the property that they were very large when I created them, but often weren’t very powerful, though this idea, in practice, could fix that issue for me entirely.

To make sure I wasn’t going to destroy my newfound toy by accident, I imbued the magnifying lens with a small amount of my curse, and then, I set my aim for a small mound of dirt located in a nondisclosed area in a patch of grass near me.

I placed the lens in an optimized position, which happened to be touching the finger I was using to create the jet with.

and then… I unleashed a small amount of my power…

and to much of my pleasure, it worked.

Well… somewhat, the beam was noticeably more concentrated, but a lot of the jet leaked outwards and the overall potential of the destruction that was hypothetically possible for me to unleash was lost, but even if this wasn’t a completely perfect start, it gave me an excellent idea.

“There’s quite a lot of magnifying glasses and lenses in the science classroom I go to…” I thought to myself in my head, walking back slowly with a smug expression as I heard my name being called back at the theatre…


Can I have a summary of everything that happened since I last was here

Thursday 19th January 2034

The Challenger fight will begin in not too long.

I wrote a paragraph(s) long story explaining the origin and thought process of Ladnas’ idea for his gauntlet laser weapon