Forum features research

research and find new forum features, and tell about them here
(the only thing i know how to do is discobot fortune)


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

click the news button in the top right


Have you heard about mermaid charts?

  flowchart LR

         A[Have you heard about mermaid charts?] --> B[Yes]
A --> C[No]
C --> D[You can create them under the gear icon when you make a message]
B ---> B1[Try to make one about magics!]
D --> E[Give it a try!]

Here’s the source if you want to do more stuff with them:

Here’s some other examples of what you can do with it that I experimented with: Development Log

Copy entire message you’re replying to into a quote, handy with the above trick

Check the groups tab to see how outdated the forum roles are

Never knew how to do this :rofl: