You just saw tell their story of their trauma with homophobia and you just went
“Okay cool no one cares”
so peak! i genuinely thought we as a society were done with AT LEAST religious prejudice man this fucking shrucks
yeah turns out people really like hating other people
those things in question include:
- being gay
that is all
excruciatingly god awful way of using your words stock and you’re gonna get and are being shitted on for doing so
i don’t even dislike you honestly i don’t get why people here hate you so much but this is a crazy thing to cook up in your mind bro
He will be excluded from the boy kisser council
Home of phone : Booo gay people
Gay : I hate you
Stock sound : this is why they hate you!!!
Its so sad to see words that sound like other words stooping so low
No? Apple hq is what I speak of
that’s it stock is finally canceled
I feel so bad for SkyRocket for basically always having a notification for this thread.
i assume theyve turned off watching by now
That’s what you think I’m trying to do? You believe I’m going to make this a witch hunt for saying that, even if they don’t agree, they shouldn’t say harmful things to the community? As that is- really just human decency?
Not to mention, the thing they hate is gay people BEING GAY. No, them being better is them realizing that people have emotions, and though not “normal” to them, it is still human and is still love. Their best option, if not realizing that, is to just not express this harmful opinion and try to “fix” people.
I used to be physically hurt in school because I had a boyfriend in sixth grade. That’s all it takes for some people. Just merely being themselves. Homophobia is a venom, hatred itself is a venom. Without proper reason, belief in something being harmful will only cause more harm.
Me being sent swastikas, being threatened with going in a camp, and one time, a kid in eighth grade threatened to BRAND me with a triangle, y’know, the symbol used for LGBT people in camps!
My child can’t escape what was once just a chance for inclusion and spreading understanding and knowledge.
Most normal fandom message?!?!
The second I saw that this topic had gathered 60 replies overnight I knew that nothing good had happened.
Hoooo boy, here we go…
Man, I turn my back for such a short amount of time and I’m cancelled again.
What did I do exactly wrong? Not exile somebody?
yeah that’s like exactly the thing we are mad at you for, not condemning someones immoral actions
I didn’t want him to become hated, I wanted him to become a better person. Is that so wrong?