Forumer Sparring Thread

then tell me

also why did u change ur pfp

I don’t think I’m allowed to truly explain why most probably don’t see you in a good light

…because I can?

It’s because you tend to act in an immature way, such as

  • Replying to messages individually rather than quoting them all (light spam, as it floods the topic unnecessarily)
    • Most of your messages use very few words, this isn’t a Discord chat, but a forum for more in-depth discussions
    • On top of using way too much abbreviations, it makes you look illiterate like today’s kids who abuse them all the time because it’s “faster”

Just look at your reply count compared to likes received.
You could add more content to each reply, and think if message x really needs one.

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uh about that

just take a look at what in-depth discussions we’ve been having :sob:

They are. Just worded epicly

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sweats nervously in doing most if not all of these things

Whats up?

YO why

Just thought it would be a good matchup

what’d he say, he deleted the message

wth bro

ask him


Now that I think about it…

@Crimsonpants . I think I could at least do some damage fighting him, unless he’s a gym bro.

Nah, I am a bit heavy tho so I could shoulder check ya’.


One could say my ass is big boned.

nah, we’d win.

thank you!

Nah you won’t, @Firer would absolutely pwn you.