Forummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer Curses

what conflict?

I told you my request on your discord :nod:

Seeing my my own character with cat ears :sleeper:

laughs in dragoncat

ok no, i will not hear out your request of making TAA characters with cat ears
(totally not tobis boyfriend or something :shushing_face: )

just AO ones

With the universe having undergone a catastrophic reset, so did my curse.

I possess a new curse of similar power, albeit much more tasty.

pizza curse!!!

I somehow just made my way to curse but whyd I go against inferno 2nd round :sob:

bruh inferno isn’t banned what :moyai:

Round 2 isn’t starting yet

Because we’re back at the beginning now, yes we need to wait 13 billion years but that shouldn’t really be a problem

We have the power to :sparkles: skip time :sparkles:

It’s :light_magic_var1: Magic :light_magic_var1:

Me and sandal blew it up

a rival? :crossed_swords:

he got the curse :pensive:
dont worry i killed him for you

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Did I really have that bad RNG that I lost to the Roulette Curse with Darkflame

skill issue :joy:

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

did that mf roll promethean flame or smthn :joy:

dibs on gravity :100: