Forummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer Curses

acid curse.

need I explain further?


nah just the flare curse

I’ll count flare and flare-chan as separate people

don u dare
I can feel the flare in me


Feel the what in you?

I can feel the flare magic run through my veins

further proof flare and flare chan are two seperate people

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All currently non conflicted curses: (Ping me to change)
Randomness: Shatter
Tobi: Paper
Cryonical: Blizzard
ShadowJGaming: Growth
Maple: Maple
Firer: Fire
Imalettuce: Frostmetal
Sirius: Sun
Typ0: Roulette
Tree_ was_taken: Plant
ThatOneGuy: Apocalypse Bringer
Kirito012: Sword
Dudeman: Absorbtion (yet to absorb anything)
Midnight: Night
Tetragon: Plasma
Sock: Imagination
CaptSalore: Lightning
BFTyrant: Aether
Shell_Seawing: Phoenix
Divanochi: Magma
Derp: Storm
Flare: Flare
Flare_Chan: Flare cat
Rayhan: Acid
Vetex: Aether Lighting
Aquatic_Blues: Crystal
AwesomeOS: Inferno
RetroPlant: Wood
Ozy: Death
Zel: Procrastination Curse
PoopyGangsta: Metal Curse
Hat: Electon
ArthurKingsMan: Earth
API: Sand
EtherealR: Darkflame
SpectreTheFox: Slash
Crusade: Shadow
Crimsonpants: Lazarus
WarmWater: Momentum
PingPonoh: Scorch

Currently conflicted curses

If you want a conflicted curse work it out between you and the person who also wants your curse. I don’t want anything to do with it.

Meth curse- I mean Crystal Curse

Or Water/Lunar curse


Slide inferno

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What’s with these people thinking they can just steal OUR curses smh


Dm me a clip of you jumping off the stepstones and I’ll give it to you

I’m at school

Ok uhh

I’ll dm you Kratos jumping off stepstones

Tell me a joke and I’ll give it to you

When does a joke become a dad joke
When it becomes apparent

Plant Curse