Aster (OC)

I’d say…

This is basically another one of the unoriginal AO updates, plz create something that actually stands out. Like features not presenting useless hybrid build nerfs but the beautiful spirit weapons maybe.


Erm… Where’s the gyatt rizzler?


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garlic: (4) the gang beats a dude up - YouTube

the forums hate discussions unless they are all cooking someone in specific

I am not lad, I just say that posts bout OC’s are boring as fuck, I proposed to draw something, not forced them. So what are you talking bout?

I am actually quite good at cooking, thanks, and about the art, you see, it is very unoriginal whatever you say. Anime styled arts with OC’s aren’t original, I’m just spittin’ fax my lad. Tell me, tell me a person different than Fran who does non-anime styled art that isn’t fully OC’s/Revon/Neviro/King/Carina/Sirens. Go ahead.

ok but you’re saying that this is unoriginal and doesn’t stand out?

as far as i know, i haven’t seen any pieces of art similar to this on the forums

My good sir, I think it best recommend to zip your mouth shut. Each person has a different way to express their work and if you don’t like it.

Then keep your mouth shut and don’t openly complain about it.

I think you should go on a walk in a forest in Bosnia & Herzegovina :heart:

it is kinda unique on the forums, but overall? naw man

here’s a tip: stop drawing furries :100:

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It costs you absolutely zero dollars to just let people draw and design their characters how they want.

you see, I visit the forums rarely and play AO once a month or so because I got better stuff to do than brag bout a random slav behind a fucking screen, here’s a tip: abandon ship and go cook some food or find a hobby that will make you a better human being

Did I ever tell them they can’t? I just shared my opinion about their and other artists’ creations, nothing more, lad.


I’m probably going contacts one of the mods to lock the post. (I mean already did). I swear, how come each time Acko post something. Something chaotic happen??

“I shared my opinion”
Correction: I insulted their work and told them to make something different because I hate edgy OCs so that must mean this is bad and unoriginal grrrrrr

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That what’s buddy bud basically said in a nutshell. :fr: