Forums tries to cook a Forum-story

hey guys another topic to keep my entertainment very high

so I was talking about "would this be the forums “categories” (Associations) if it were to be in some real story which I wrote this thing:

And I was like “People make stories from campaigns and such as time goes on, so like, what if forumers banded to create a forum-story, not based around arcane odyssey, but forums as people in some new world or something”

Did it think this is interesting? Yes
Will it be dead? Probably
Will it be archenhailor tournament chaotic? Yes

How can forums cook a forum-story?
You could probably cook a writing for the story-line and it’s current chapters or something and then it gets connected to the story

Or you could make a story-branch in which it’s your own story related to some chapter or sub-chapter like those associations things I was talking about in trusted-chat, like your character’s story in Estate’s and that changing the atmosphere of the story or something

ok have fun!!

also I wanna see if forums can cooperate and create a michelin star story (impossible)

anyways pick some universe for the story or collaborate with others to create a world for this story or something idk and that’ll be y’all main

(COok your own character forum lore or something)

It’ll either be complete dogshit writing or peak fiction, no in-betweens

we’re so back

a what story

just give every forumer traumas and we are somewhere

Day 1: I’ve just arrived at this place called the forums… It’s quite nice. The people here are-

spicytuna lore:

the optical empire will rise out of the dust again…

Immediate distortion

On the day of his acceptance into the Artisans’ Association, Spicytuna began to paint on their blank canvas to celebrate.
After a while, they’ve deemed their piece to be good enough, and decided to share it with the world. Little did Spicytuna know, it was going to be their first and last work as a member of the Artists’ Guild.

This was the start of Spicytuna’s descent into madness, eventually losing their Estate Association privileges and becoming a refugee of the Outsiders’ Association.

Yuh, what character archetype am I?

Forum Saga - Curse Tournament

Forum Saga 2 - Age of RB1


1 would be a spin off of Randomness’ Curse Tournament series. Would act as both a worldbuilding and introduction to new characters since the tournament would include users from all Trust Levels, as well as Outsiders.
The tournament would be a branch plot that connects varying important characters together(giving them reasons to interact in the future). The prize for the tournament should be valuable enough for people of all backgrounds to want to participate. Not all attendees would show up for the sake of fighting in battle (some outsiders could try to steal the prize).
The main character should be a newgen/outsider wishing to enter the Forums world, or a TL1 user that used to be a powerful outsider but due to (insert non-physically crippling circumstances) has been chained down to the Forums.


2 would take the RB1 lore and make it a reality. RB1 starts off as one of Vetex’s most trusted advisors(or, “Leaders”), but grows more and more unsatisfied with his management of the Forums. He then creates three avatars and proceeds to pull multiple users out of the Banlands and into the Forums world, feeling like he’d rather destroy the forums than let things go on as they are.
Each avatar would take an aspect of RB1s personality, and each avatar would split up into their own thirds. Those thirds would split up into their own thirds, and so on. The only unifying trait between these thirds is their origin avatar (so there’d be three different RB1 sub factions that our main characters would have to track down.) RB1 would meet his end by the hands of Vetex.
This would be the unifying arc that solidifies the ties made in the Curse Tournament.

  • there would be a timeline for this, too. All of these events would occur pre-AO, meaning they all happened in the WoM era. The climax of the WoM era and the beginning of the age of AO would have their own special movies.

example: WoM era finally would include Vetex vs Criminal Scum, beginning of the age of AO would probably have a cold war documentary feel with a lot of political tension coming from the massive increase of Outsider envoys (Youtubers and their followers, how the forums interacted with them, etc)
Each arc could follow an exaggerated version of real life events. These events would have to have originated on the forums. For example…

Neikosaikou would have an arc, but not Ana the Sailor. Although the Forums had a reaction to both figures, Neikosaikou directly interacted with the forums, unlike Ana who just caused an uproar in general.

Noble Symphony would have an arc, but not Arisell/Q_Ari. Both are generally disliked by the forums, but Noble actually interacted with and affected the forums in some way. The main factor is whether or not they made their main appearance on the forums or not.

Arcs wouldn’t necessarily need to be huge events. They can be small things that the community considers to be significant.
Events like Key’s descent into madness and mass Topic derailings could be personified in an arc/ short episode/chapter(not sure how someone might personify the concept of Topics for it to be included in a story. it could be something like an open discussion to all TL’s, but that’s not really anything different from what it actually is. maybe a form of transporation or something like a politcal bill?)

Origin stories for banned users and Leaders might also be considered for arcs or plotpoints. SavageWinds departure from the forums and CrimsonPants good suggestions might be good places to start.

I don’t know if I cooked or not. Did my best.


you are the token rb1 alt

its so peak @spicytuna please tell me you will create more Art posts

For some reason, I feel like the story (as main place) would be some huge city with different sections, where forumers would just be part of, essentially thinking this could resemble the fact that forumers are miles away, or some cities resembling that some forumers live in the same continent.

Where people (forumers) in the city meet each other, like how forumers meet each other
Cities also fitting forum-society, mainly protests, drama, etc (Would fit things like Nobility arc (Noble Phantasm) as their own Association, including having their branches in other cities like Vetcord’s Large city, essentially meaning they have caused chaos and affected them in many other cities)

And people outside the city is essentially people who come of different society like vetcord being a whole different community or people who have been kicked out of this large city (Essentially the banned). (Essentially makes things like “Rb1’s” Wrath a thing and being undetectable due to not being much of a citizen but disguised)

There might be an addition called the “Blacksite”, where essentially people who have left are just gone forever and have never communicated with the community anymore (Like Acko, NEKO, Etc)

project moon reference :interrobang:

I should’ve left (this is not a PM reference) when I was writing that :sob:
I was thinking somebody would say “PM reference” when it ain’t my intention

For some reason, I’m imagining a tower.

What if the Forums was actually a gigantic tower, with each “trust” level having increasing privileges? For example, anything below TL3 would be pretty much neglected with the only privilege being to visit other trust levels. TL3 would be home great to artists and writers, and they would be the “official” citizens of the Forums since they can actually vote on bills(Suggestions) made in TL4.

TL4 would be home to the “strongest”/“most virtuous” forumers. Leaders, well known suggestors, ambassadors, and Vetex would dwell here. Anything outside of the tower is considered “the banlands”.

  • each trust level would include “Topics”?

Vetcord might be a sub-“level”(can’t exactly be considered a level since it has it’s own government and is as big as three levels combined) below the Trust Levels but still a part of a tower. Vetcord would not be ruled by Vetex, but Vetex can choose to veto decisions made in Vetcord if he wishes. Vetcord would include some of the well known (discords), like RB Odyssey or Randomness’ Curse Hub.
Trello would pretty much be Forum School.

Outside of the tower, the banlands would be a place ironically named “Discord”(literally meaning “disagreement” or “lack of harmony”). The environment would be unforgiving and violent, with vengeful banned users creating their own cliques, waiting for their chance to return to the Forum Tower. Some of the stronger banned users embark on a journey even further away from the tower, abandoning their old life and searching for a new community to join.(youtube communities, other game forums, etc).

might be known as “wanderers”?

perhaps dual towers?