Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yrni0 would still win blindfolded, with cancer, with no legs, no weapon, no magic energy. The invisible enemy that is ‘bears’ doesn’t need to be seen to be exterminated!!

Could Morock defeat average dark sea bear tho?

Probably not. Dark Sea Bears have apparently, somehow adapted to the point of being more threatening than Marvin- so Morock would literally just get mauled. You see, Arcane Odyssey bears are like bees. Realistically, they shouldn’t even be surviving in the presence of Atlantean beasts. And yet they do, and now it’s our problem.

The most important news ever has just been revealed

As if vetex couldn’t get more based

bro has no clue what the hell he is in for
Those who know, laugh at this poor unsuspecting fool in silence. :zipper_mouth_face: :laughing:

ik this is old but hopefully vetex will finally add this in full release

And also shadow magics effect pls :pleading_face:

So then by that logic Sumerian culture of crowning the next Empress/Emperor is by publicly executing the old one and giving the curse to the next one in the bloodline?


Yeah it happened again…

ok so apparently

vetex turn it on please

its not a toggle for dev to turn on, this thing will be on by default if your roblox is updated

My guesses:

  1. Trainning arc place

  2. Boss place

  3. Fenrir’s shipwreck place. (Absolutely no reason for this to happen, but I find it kinda funny and epic, so why not?)

Is it only in new servers or

It’s client side

its client side, youll get it when your roblox updates

roblox updates are inconsistent so you might get it later than others, try checking later today to see if it updates and then check your fps

no because sea curses make you immortal
when a curse user dies it would be on the battlefield unexpectedly
they wouldn’t pass it on like that

when the roblox client is Updated.
