Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

This is why we can’t have nice thing, some asshole will always find a way to ruin other people day

Anyway, since vetex is going to wipe them 100%

Go sell your legit acrimonies and intercharges to npcs.

At least you will get some profit.
10k is 10k

ofc dude, ofc vetex has to come with the dumbest solutions, come on vetex, do you know anything else other than wipe? cant u do whatever u did with renown to remove the obviously fake acri? do you rlly have no system to even know which acri is legit and which one isnt duped? no anti-cheat as well? i swear people in vetcord are gonna have an breakdown where vetex will double down, just for chat to get locked and tech not only having to babysit vetex again but to try to save whatever remains saved, all of that could be avoided if vetex tried thinking of a solution instead of just going “wipe”

There’s sadly no easy way.

Each update, we grow closer to a full-on data reset

Oh right, forgot you got 2 interchange potions per acrimony

Condolences to those who has like millions of Acrimonies laying around from hoarding and holding worth

though me personally I’m not the type to swap builds constantly, and I grind my stuff myself so there’s no real need for either trading or swap builds

Traders having to give up their 10+ acrimony’s because someone decided to post their duped items on the market

I just lost 500k, thanks vetex, I guess making a rollback system after the 20th item wipe was too hard

I wonder how far exploiters will take this since they now know they can get rare items wiped

I think ill become a casual, obviously this game hates me for spending time grinding it

The less time invested, the better

Headless Head gets wiped, but dw you get to keep one if you have the badge

all i used acrimonies for was changing my second magic
i went from plasma to explosion to ash to explosion again

Im not gonna lie, this is a bandaid fix to a pretty big problem. It only affects the people who gotnthe acrimonies legitimately aswell. We need to have some sort of rollback system or soemthing so that only the exploiters actuslly get wiped.

ive bassically wasted 2-3 months of my life farming them, with my friends help

I didnt even have any acrimonies but my brother did. I basically forced him to sell them for galleond dince thats the only thing youh can really do with them now

Bro I :unamused: was not gonna use those acrimonies or stat resets :man_facepalming: I just wanted a trade with someone

ikr i was not gonna use a stat reset on my mage file…

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Hear me out I wanna change both my magics, so should I take advantage of this stat reset and change my second using it so I only need one essence?