ya they arent that good, that or the warshield is just straight up better, isnt that against the bteam idea that rarer weap > better?
Ayeee what the hell :3
Using slurs isn’t okay, under any circumstances, nuh uh uh!
Anyways, I just want keybinds… back to the abyss I go.
maybe with moochez now we can finally get them
maybe if they made separate categories for normal shields & warshields (like swords and greatswords) with separate properties and abilities
ryan did you copy paste this text from before again
this would mean i could have both a warshield and a normal shield, so i accept
It’s better because it is a higher level item.
is that really how that works
dual wield shield
reloaded page and it approved the message again lmao
It is a slur to many people on the spectrum, and it makes me, as an autistic person who was called one for most of my childhood, uncomfortable.
It should be considered one, but thats up to the mods. I just want my keybinds. They’d be incredibly helpful.
Dont go to vetcord then and expect to see it here. Sorry
Keybinds would be cool i agree
what if blocking with a shield froze you in place like how blocking worked in WoM
or at the very least you wouldn’t be able to dash while shield blocking
Holy textwall even bigger than 64arc vs Theoretical
I can’t believe they nerfed Regeneration AGAIN
GUYSSSS dw, the roblox game forum doesn’t consider the word to be a slur, so it’s fine
ignore the international organizations for people with disabilities who consider it to be one, they have no clue what thay’re talking about
This is why we don’t get Rayman games anymore.
(Aside from the drug abuse)
Doesnt matter, everyone here can use it anyway