Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

which players shouldn’t know about*
Unless you made a slot for all magics and proceeded to mutate all of them 1 to 3 times, there would realistically be no mean to figure it out on your own.
AO is a wiki game, which is most unfortunate.

Honestly, even considering how hecate shards are now

this is soooo much better than the scrolls system for magics

I would have taken any other method, as long as it meant I got to have a little more variety than this!

Combining two magics that go well together like god intended? No, pick two that are both just different versions of one that you already have. Good luck, mages!

considering that the magic you would obtain should be random, it is not as god (vetex AND prometheus) intended.

I think you mean Morock, and if Morock is true, and Morock is good, then he’d let me have a full variety of synergies and combinations!


If it were the old system it would’ve been so much harder to get the magic you wanted, as you would have to rely entirely on luck to find them and trading for them would be so much more annoying because of their rarity and how they’d likely fluctuate in value based on the meta.

I’m not gonna pretend like this one is the BEST system Vetex could’ve done, but compared to the previous, this is so much better.

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Yum, I can’t wait to use Fire, Phoenix, AND Heat Magic! Said nobody ever!
Yeah, can’t wait to inflict burning, burning, and a slightly better version of burning.

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People would’ve been doing this anyway bro :sob:

you’re complaining about nothing atp

Theos the war pheonix would like to know your location

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yeah but i said “Yum, I can’t wait to use Fire, Sun, and Blaze Magic!”

SOME of us wanted some things that aren’t the same thing.

Boo hoo atp?

There’s also the likelihood that you can still change your base magic afterwards anyway, so you can still get different lost magic combinations okay. I don’t know WHY this hasn’t been brought up before, but it invalidates a good chunk of the backlash of this change since you can still get your combinations anyway.

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It doesn’t have to be that way.
Why would I want to obtain Flare, switch to Poison for my first, get poison lightning for my third, and switch my first magic to ice, just to get my desired combination?
Then switch back to Plasma, Explosion, or Fire when Ancients come out, so I can get Scorch, then back to ice.

Steven universe sounding ass with this im sorry :sob:

Why would you want to suffer through trading and RNG hell only for this? This is 10x more easy to do, you’re fighting air with this dawg :sob:

ancient mutations will probably be based off the lost, not the base

I never said I like scrolls, not anymore at least, I did say it’d be better for the sake of variety. We can have this same system but with options for the mutations based on the slot they’re taking.

stock is arguing that scrolls are better than this system, aren’t they?

My argument: You’re still going to have to do some serious grinding to get A singular ancient scroll, which is very unlikely to be the magic you want. Thus, you grind for much longer or have to sell your soul to trade.

Mutations: You can get it immediately if you plan it out, and if you don’t, just change your magic with a comparatively much smaller grind.

What did I just say?
Even if we did get the scroll system, you’d be allowed to get any mutation you want, instead of being stuck with your first magic.
And then POSSBILY you could go use a hecate essence to change it, everyone’s least favorite solution to magic changing.

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its just a dogshit stock opinion