Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

we can litterally jiin the assassins

Assasins are more morally grey, considering they literally don’t have an agenda they just do what they’re told.

No, I don’t think them hiring the drachmae pirates to start a war was them wanting that, I think they were hired (probably by Wotan)

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I don’t think killing people for money is a very grey thing.

You and me both know you did the ice smugglers quest at some point

They were criminals who attack you on sight. That said even if we weren’t justified us doing a bad thing wouldn’t make them doing a bad thing okay or morally grey.

they recover, my killing is reserved exclusively for old men and corrupt monarchs

I mean assassins are also able to go after people with bounties and likely would do so in lore too

Sure but the fact that they go after targets without criminal bounties for the sake of making money already makes the times they do go after criminals kinda irrelevant. This isn’t even mentioning when they try to start wars or kill off their own members.

isnt this just the plot of the clone wars movie lol

Btw, you guys seen that Heat can ignite Poison clouds?

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Magics like fire and plasma have been able to do this for a long time this isn’t really a surprise to me tbh

I was like “oh cool” though.

I was more surprised that it could make clouds of heat

Do Heat clouds actually do anything? I never noticed being damaged by one, and the ones I’ve seen last like 2 seconds.

They deal damage

the message always says “defeated ice smuggler” there so they dont need to be dead its up to your interpretation

Does that mean… no more being arrested for being eaten by an Obolus?

Was sumarizing the changes for my Clan’s Discord server and it seems Vetex is altering things a bit still.


Notable changes he added from what i can see at a mere glance is the mentioning of Sensing, and Spirit NRG being more extrapolated.

