Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

No. :x: :strawberry: :man:

So maybe more than 175? I dunno if 175 is considered a “lot more” than 150 by Vetex or not. This does likely mean 150 is the recommended amount of levels to get before skyhall.

If 175 is the new level, that would be huge for hybrids. W/ 350 stat points hybrids can go 190/160 which would be great for hybrids to get access to more scroll/technique/Skill note stuff

175 was the level Vetex said that Full Release would likely end at earlier, but with this statement I think it’s either gonna stop at 175 like he said before or go a little higher.

considering the level cap increases weve gotten before (11 and 4) 25 is quite alot

but it would be nice if it ends up being even more

Id say 175 is the bare minimum, lack of content aside the thing people were most dissapointed with was the lv cap of 136 when nimbus dropped. The game will be over 2 years old at full release, its time to stop drop feeding the players

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yeah and the 20 minutes of story… and weapon wipe

also if “level 150 before the story even begins” why did he not give us lv 150 at mistral

very good point

maybe he just didnt think of it lol

I mean sorta, but there’s like a big difference in scale here considering the Skyhall chapter is looking like it’s gonna be decently long and there’s still another chapter after it. Chapters 6 and 7 were pretty short even compared to most Bronze sea chapters. Plus levels meant to be achieved between chapters I’d say there’s a decent chance we get over 175. Especially if the difference in recommended levels between chapters 8 and 9 is anything like the one between chapters 1 and 2.

He wanted to add the level 140/145 quests first.

Could somebody ask Vetex if artisan weapons were cancelled? The ones made specifically for warriors, I cannot find them on the trello anymore.

idrc what level it is at this point
so long as i get my ultimate art beam :money_mouth_face:

still there

Welcome to Road blocks.

No, not one decision.
We also had to fight him for a year after the game released to get deckhands in the state they are in now. Before that, they were tied to renown/bounty!
We also had to fight him for two years to get a form of magic reset in the game at all.
We ALSO had to fight him for half a year to get acrimonies in the game.

I have never seen vetex have a bad idea and not stick with it until the entire community tells him to stop.
So no, I’m not particularly happy with his decision making.

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BOI WHAT U SAY BOUT VETEX :moyai::moyai::moyai: (complete sentence)

The acrimonies and deckhand rework were always planned, weren’t they? Vetex just wasn’t ready to add them until later

If they were planned from the start he should have said something about it beforehand.

Would have saved alot of people alot of trouble.

I know there was talk of reworking deckhands for a while

Stat reset potions were ALWAYS planned since release. The only reason we got that one free stat reset in the first place was to be a temporary solution until brewing was added. I’m pretty sure this was in the patch notes but it might’ve been somewhere else. It kinda sounded like free stat resets were going to be removed after interchange pots were added, but that never happened.

Technically Vetex could’ve added interchange potions wayyyy earlier. He added waterbreathing before the rest of brewing came along, since the Diving Update, and he did that pretty quickly. He wouldn’t have even had to program a new status effect or anything like seaweed generation, just add a reagent to loot pools and reuse the free stat reset system and be done with it.

So yeah, acrimonies could’ve been added since the beginning. You could say this wasn’t done because Vetex wanted to add all of brewing in one update. I could relate to that, as a neurodivergent person it’s easy to get obsessed with order and doing things in a perfect little organized way. For some people it might feel like they physically must do something a particular way. But… this doesn’t seem to be Vetex’s problem, since he didn’t do all of brewing in one update. Like I said, he added waterbreathing an update earlier.

I agree interchange potions easily could have and should have been added sooner, but it is not true that the community had to push for them or that they weren’t always a concept. Vetex added them exactly when and how he always intended to, the community had zero impact on that.

As for deckhands… I assume he just didn’t have enough ideas for it until later, or didn’t think it was more important than the other things he was adding. The rework did end up being bigger and more complex than anyone was expecting, so I can’t blame him for not thinking of all those ideas until much later, especially when he’s balancing so many other concepts and features that need fleshing out in his head. All I was expecting was a simple requirement change from renown to maybe galleons or items, but instead we got free deckhands with a ton of other features like customization, professions, and artifacts.