Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

galaga is working on ardent rise iirc

this will make weapons SO much more interesting because of the amount of skills we will allocate into other weapons

broā€™s been on that since pre mistral or smth tho

He probably quit honestly with helping on the event and moochezz taking over weapons (although it would be SO baller if both Moochezz and Galaga worked on weapons together)

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b-but what about mages
where are my rare spells, I need it!

nah i think moochezz is doing a great job by himself and that allows others to focus on different things so that we can get more diverse content on full release instead of only animals, story and a bunch of weapon skills


Good point, itā€™s just that Galaga was the original GOAT for working on skills first but yeah best let moochezz do em all, heā€™s doing great anyways

I like that instead of waiting for Galaga to stop having a life, Vetex got somebody else to do it.


Galaga and Moochezz are the GOATS

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Lance of Loyalty about to go crazy. Comeā€™on Vetex do it, add Spiraling Fury to Warlord. Give us even more mobility moves.

Lance of loyalty is indeed thrusting, so you will be more mobile lol

Well this was a bad time to disband all my weapons :frowning:

Moochezz has said in the balance trello that heā€™s not doing them until after heā€™s finished the planned weapon skills and any spirit rites on any spirit weapons that may be added over the coming months. If I had to guess heā€™ll probably finish the weapon skills and then do spells and techniques while waiting for the other spirit weapons to be added heā€™ll do some new spells and techniques. This is presuming that other spirit weapons are made later more than sooner, but Iā€™d also bet that the staff of night will probably be done before or at least by the time he finishes the planned weapon skills. In that case based on how he has prioritized spirit rites before Iā€™d say heā€™d probably take priority of that over any yet to be finished weapon skills.

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Well on this front remember that being an ult art increases the requirements to use the move. So it might be warrior usable when reassigned.

We donā€™t know how weapon ults work yet, they could be set in stone.
Or ult skills may only be usable as ults.

My guyā€¦
My pookieā€¦
My forumerā€¦


While weapons? Oh sure, 2 or rarely 3 unique skills per weapon, and with skill disarm, you can have 5 thousand variations of same grab.

Oh and, wtf is this. Bludgeonā€¦But Heavy Blunt

Canā€™t wait for full release to add the new Heavy Blunt weaponā€¦


something something idk something

Vetex asked for it too lol, he doensā€™t like people crossing oceans without a boat

he was referring to flight, nobody actually does this with platforms outside of once for fun because its so slow. And also you can still do this way faster if you just equip a swim speed set

A giant 2-handed mace sounds cool af ngl. Could be like the CW Brute Mace idk