Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Sorry for the rant I’m just tired of yrni0s doomerism

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I’m not even “doomposting”, this was merely a statement regarding the necessity of events.
Am I saying that it’s going to make Arcane Odyssey worse? No.
Am I saying that it’s not/won’t be good? Neither.
Am I making people lose interest in it? Maybe, but that’s up to you to keep an interest in it.

No, you are saying it’s inherently terrible

No, you aren’t but that’s not something I was addressing

Yes. You clearly are

To be perfectly honest, I don’t really give a shit. I just pity your seeming inability to look forward to anything. Although this is enough of a derailment as is, so I’m just gonna mute the topic for 5 hours and read through it later

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orrrr its just a way to show the players you care about them and the game by giving them free items that aren’t extremely grindy or tedious to get


There are numerous ways of doing so that aren’t temporary as seen in most recent updates that added a handful of easily obtainable cosmetic items. Why not use said method instead of locking them behind a limited period of time? This will only make future players feel bad about not having played Arcane Odyssey earlier, something that they normally have no control over.

This is the about the most loose definition of “predatory” without being entirely incorrect. While on the most technical level you can barely apply the term using it with it’s massive negative connotation is almost disingenuous. It portrays a free to play event that doesn’t grant any players any advantages should they play it, as some horribly scummy thing is ridiculous. Making an event so people will want to play the game is normal dude, surprise surprise, game devs want people to play the game. And in this scenario the literally only bad thing is that some players will miss out either because they joined later or couldn’t make time during. While that does suck, it doesn’t make the event ultimately bad, their missing out is not detrimental to their enjoyment of the game the halloween event is not pivotal to experience of the game.

Because its a halloween event dude. Its not supposed to go on forever that’d be weird, and depending how the event works it could even end up just being disruptive later down the line. If eggs kept showing up everywhere after the easter ended it’d be a little jarring.

This is probably the most ridiculous criticism you could’ve come up with for the event. The event is being developed by part of the dev team while Vetex and another dev work on the marketplace stuff. The effect of a portion of the dev team working on an event for a couple weeks in the face of the large amount of time we’ve been told full release would already take is so incredibly miniscule in basically negligible. Not to mention calling the development of an event for players to enjoy for a period of time while the next update is worked on, a waste is already kinda weird. Whether you think the event is terrible or not chances are a number of people are gonna play it and enjoy so writing it off as a waste, at least as of right now, is pretty silly.

I can understand the complaints(aside from the waste of resources one) even if I disagree with them or don’t think they’re a big enough issue as stated above, but I do think you’re being massively overzealous with your criticism. None of the previous events have had any large negative impact if any net negative impact at all, and in all likelihood this event won’t either. Not on the game as a whole or the players either.


Actually, thanks for reminding me that I should be sure to make use of appropriate words. I keep on forgetting that they have feelings and connotations of attached to them, mostly because I’m not of English culture.


please for the love of god do something to it pvp feels so slow now
i swear bteam hates any build they dont play

I honest to god hate how to r balance team keeps relentlessly pushing the same type of build, actively going out and punishing people that try something like investing more than 250 in a stat with nerfs that heavily affect them and don’t even fix the issue they use as an excuse

PvP would be so much more fun if 200 of a stat was actually like 55% as effective as 400 of a stat rather than being like 70% as effective in a stat compared to 400

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This is probably a good call. There’s basically no reason to grind Iris so at least this guarantees new players or players on a new file can at least get some use out of her item. Plus it’s nice way to make sure new players know that bosses can drop items, if they hadn’t already figured that from the get go.


Nice little intro to boss drops, early exposure to a good item (for the time), I like that.

pretty decent change that also makes enough sense considering she literally only has one drop

So uhm, I’ve heard from a friend that uhhh

two of the Halloween accessories are a cat tail and cat ears


Now people can dress as cat maids

Darkshadow56556 alt spotted, alts are against the rules


Damn you got me


Biggest glowup

Common → Seasonal

Somehow I think vetex finished the balances for the Auction Update