Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

literally springtrap


That is rb1 correct, other recent alts include “hello”

its also possible that it’s only getting 3 rites right now and that 2 of the rites it has are going to be unobtainable due to the level cap until the future


hence why i said obvious instead of the classic “hi rb1”

hi rb1

Why is everyone calling me rb1 I dunno who that is

I thought we had agreed not to give rb1 any more attention

Well, we got the 5th skill on staff of night and that was not presently obtainable.

I personally believe it’s gonna have spirit blast and wall as it would be easy to reuse the animations

Spirit Rain seems more appropriate than Spirit Blast to me because:

  1. It’s an attack from the sky
  2. It comes from an orb
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Welcome new guy!!!

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I’m not too worried about the base spirit skills, you’ll be able to trade them between each other either way.

patrimony already has both blast and wall though, i think the orb should have at least one of the ones that the staff has

Another good point

a finger on the monkey’s paw curls, vetex adds a fart spirit weapon


I mean duh, testers are all friends of vetex of friends of testers, he doens’t hire the testers because theyre good. Being a tester is seen as a promotion, a sort of reward, instead of the role it’s supposed to be, same with the head mods, they’re all friends of vet or friends of friends and etc… Vetex’s staff is, like most staffs on roblox, an excellent example of nepotism.


Oh looker a new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator implanted by cat ears?

He is the dark lord of the forums his influence is everywhere

RB1 is NOT William Afton
Such a blatant alt :man_facepalming: