Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

let their sins be laid bare for all to judge

All seriousness, though, a merger might be an actually healthy development for the AO community as a whole

rather than separating the different decision-making people from the general fanbase and creating echochambers, forcing them to talk in the same server (even if it might cause some toxicity and crash outs) will hopefully reduce shock and outrage like we’re experiencing rn

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Walyn cooking something big

Still waiting for the Arcane Adventures thing…

Guys why dont we just merge every ao server (nothing could possibly go wrong)

yea i mean take the heros battlegrounds discord for example they dont have the balancing in a seperate server they have everything in one server

I’ll pay you a tenner to tell me what it is

Y’know, I’d be more cool about balance if they explained the reasoning for every. Single. Change.

Most other games I know have balance patches that say stuff like:
“this unit’s hp was reduced because it was a little tanky/contributing to stalling/whatever.”
“This unit’s attack was a little high for its cost, leading to spam.”
“This attack was a little too safe to throw out so we added more endlag to make it more punishable.”

Give me the explanations. Also so we can find flaws in logic if necessary.

There probably is reasoning for them in the balance discord where they are discussed so if you really wanna know join that

here you go
https:// trello .com/c/GHglmLRl

I thought this was a joke about how there isnt any reason for a second

Embed fail, laugh at this user

Oh my god yes! This would probably help with a lot of the backlash the bteam gets because of stupid people not reaslising why they nerfed it

Until the communication isn’t what you want to hear, or can be misinterpreted to be even more negative.

No, it won’t, people will just get a lot angrier when their thoughts “get ignored” (read: got listened to and wasn’t convincing enough to change what they were going to do), with the bonus of being able to @ whoever is “to blame”, and probably a lot more people that aren’t (see: people blaming moochezz for balance team’s decisions).

I’m all for hearing the thoughts behind the decision making (without needing to comb through another disco server), but let’s be honest, if people have an excuse to get pissed, people will.

There is one thing in particular I don’t like in this update:

Reduced the damage of Bleeding, Corroding, Melting, Burning, and Poisoned potions by 30%

How am I supposed to impress my friends and random strangers with my BIG NUMBERS when I drink harming elixirs now?

Edit: Probably the same way I did before, if I wasn’t an illiterate reNO-NO WORD

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Ayo, this is cool! Thanks.

But still, it’s be a lot easier to stomach if more normal people could know why things change.

Which is the purpose of the little comment around each change.

Most people I know wouldn’t usually go out of their way to find the explanation so they just get a dismayed “why?” or “oh I get it” at most.

Like, anything to encourage more people to discuss the game balance imo.

(I remember joining the balance discord a while back but refused to verify what roblox account I had. Couldn’t see anything, and got kicked(?). Can’t speak in normal Vetex discord either cuz of this.)

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Why would you just refuse to verify?


I didn’t want to associate my discord account with my roblox. Some people I know would probably make fun of me for liking a roblox game. Stuff like that.

Standard paranoia.

Because you’re taking the situation to the logical extreme.

That would be like if DoTs got buffed and my takeaway were “we should remove base damage entiterly and make all damage DoT-based.” You can’t analyze the direction a single change is going in and then extrapolate that to 0 or infinity.

The issues at hand were:

  • DoTs were a problem, people agreed that they were too strong
  • Double DoTs were the primary problem, people agreed that they needed to immediately be addressed
  • 1000 double-DoT nerfs were suggested but all denied because they require overcomplicating the system
  • Since DoTs are generally regarded as a problem on their own, we could just do the simplest thing and nerf the problem because it collateral damages the larger problem as well

Aw yep, I completely understand, you can always create an alt if thats a problem tho