Maybe it’d give defense and the new stat replacing agility?
Defense and AP
it’s so over…
Those of us who played AA definitely will. Sunken Champion was a HUGE deal, it was like THE thing that made you cool, along with Morock’s Blessing. Seeing it return would also bring back waves of nostalgia.
yeah, it probably will, I just added that for the bit
Am I the only one praying that it ain’t the Sunken Champion set? I haven’t even gotten a glimpse at any Sunken Warrior piece myself; it’s all been an infestation of Sunken Iron Boots. They’re useful, but they’ve been the last four Sunken items I’ve found.
wait, EXCLUSIVELY sunken iron boots?
god damn, I am SO sorry for you
what would the Sunken Champion weapon even be? I never played AA i wouldnt know
An axe or shield is my guess
Sunken sets didn’t have weapons in AA
there’s a few candidates
a shield, a bow, maybe a rapier if we’re feeling daring
Sunken m1911
Might be the most genuine “sorry” I’ve seen in years. Yes, it’s been those exclusively. I already have the full S.Iron set on my Mage, just to rub salt in the wound.
Sunken greatsword maybe?
Ah yeah I get that actually. It feels like these sets should be spaced out in level gaps more, and also, as cool as it would be, it’s one of the more boring options compared to choices like Sensing and Scythes.
Too much overlap with the Sunken Sword
yeah, we cant even max the sunken warrior set, champion could wait.
like vindicator but covered in water
This is the most straw-grasping guess yet but Captain Sage is TECHNICALLY a possibility. Maybe as a legendary ship boss.
Swaying fist, GG
Sailor Style is basically that but more PG. At least that’s what it felt like it was supposed to be to me when it was initially added to the fighting styles trello card.