Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Can’t be, AA didn’t have that

I don’t think it is

@Rayman_Axel is this another Silksong cake incident?

remember: it starts with an S and its been missing since aa, hasnt been in wom or ao



was sensing in AA?

Sensing doesn’t really seem that big though tbh

but it’s the only thing that seems to fit

Ooh that’s another good guess, but Vetex said those wouldn’t be added until all other weapon skills were.

Yup! I distinctly recall automatically holding “C” every time I charged energy even when I didn’t need to sense anything or anyone, it was just muscle memory lol. I bet I’ll do the same in AO.

Actually, since C is a spell keybind now, unlike in AA, that means AO might need to use a different key for sensing, otherwise people could attack by accident. Hmm but would that be a problem when you can only sense while charging energy? I don’t think you can attack while charging.


I mean we already knew scythes were coming

I am personally excited for them myself since i’m a huge sucker for scythes in games

I see
I’d like to drop an interesting theory but unfortunately I’m a loreman, not a gameplayman

The hater in me wants to rant about how impractical scythes are as weapons. The only character I will allow to use them is Darcy Amphibia.

(this is a joke, go crazy, it’s a magic world where you can send flying slashes of energy, so scythes really wouldn’t be that bad within the world’s logic, probably on par with everything else. maybe its curved shape could even allow for more unique and useful energy shaping and techniques than other weapons)

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Brawlhalla players are going to get war flashbacks if scythes ever get added. Also they’d be pretty nice from a visual standpoint if paired with any Hallowed accessory, or the Pumpkin Witch mask.

I want to give each of my files (I use exclusively weapon hybrids) at least some sort of differentiation when it comes to weapons but scythes don’t really fit any of them so I don’t really mind whether they make it in or not

Sunken champion set?

I mean I know they aren’t really good as weapons, they’re meant to be farming tools after all.

My counterpoint, however:

They look awesome as fuck


mayhaps, but idk if it’d make the community fli-
never mind, the AO economy guys are probably gonna overprice it to high hell, it’s 100% flipping the community upside down

Sink back into the depths of despair because it aint that

Ooh that’s another really good guess. Has it been long enough since the last set though? A set every 50 levels seems like there’ll be more sets than Vetex could come up with name ideas for, but I guess it does follow the pattern set by Sunken Iron and Sunken Warrior.