Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

how much does lava do again? like 50%?

That was my original idea for how the percentage damage from drawback should be done, and now that you mention it, it’s probably a good way for any percentage based damage to be done

I know for sure in WoM and AR it’s 100%.

Yeah I think so

Okay cacti have no reason to deal 2.5% away from a whole tenth of your hp what :sob:

might as well be 100% :skull:
it gives you the damage effect so its not like you can escape it
feel like it should just be like 10% damage every 0.2 seconds, let players know they are actively melting alive

This is how my ass is going to be looking once I touch a cactus


atleast it dosnt inflict bleed or anything…

Yeah that way it also wouldn’t immediately ragdoll you back into the lava

Don’t give vetex ideas

time for snakes to be added to sameria that fatally poison you in 1 bite

for immersion poisonous snakes will now spawn and give you a poison effect which will kill you over time unless you take an antidote, so you need to rush to a town. dont run too fast however cause thatll speed up the poison

Why are all the environmental hazards so brutal now?
At this rate, we’ll be dealing with instant death from 100 cuts by touching grass.

PETA is going to take down AO after full release :sob:

they always were, nobody payed attention tho
sea urchins already do 7.5% of your hp + poisened

are you this downbad for more stat points?

We all are tbh

Metal aura conjurer is gonna be lit :fire:

Seem like i don’t care much as long as i manage to see The end of AO Storyline itself and lore (only reason i play this game in the first place)

max hp or base hp