Fun things to do at level 90 in WoM

Fun things to do at level 90 in WoM.

  1. (Something you should deathly consider. I’ve done it and it helps alot!)

And finally 5.

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We’ve already got the no World of Magic run, perhaps touching grass and freeing yourself from the burdens of a post industrial revolution world would be better as seperate guides.

fun things to do at level 90 in wom
go play ar
get bored of ar and desperately search for a fun game
still on that last part

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People still play WoM…??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Create numerous questionable drawings with ice’s interaction with ocean water.

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I’m doing a few things in WoM at the moment.

  1. Make cool outfits for all my files

  2. Level my files up to max

  3. Get good pvp sets for all my files.

  4. Run around the map on a maximum agility file while playing video game music in the background.

And yes, I still play WoM.


i just keep making new profiles with different magics each time, i have like 10 different profiles with different magics at this point

Adding that

kill every female npc to establish yourself as a misogynist


Npcs dont have genders tho
Just kill everyone equally like always

The names are the ones that determine the gender ngl.
Every time I find an NPC called Luna they always lookin feminine as hell so I count that as gender.

Mass genocide still a option

kinda sucks vetex just trashed immersive npcs, it was really unique

Just don’t try at all and stare into space thinking why you thought playing the game right now would be fun

i actually had some fun playing world of magic
now i must run

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  1. Win the lottery
  2. Graduate college
  3. Collect every single pokemon card in existence
  4. Cure cancer, Corona, and Ligma
  5. Fly to mars
  6. Find out who Joe is
  7. Solve a paradox
  8. Travel to distant galaxies

I’m going to get merchant coats for all my main files cuz I got all vistarian