Funny Super Low Quality Concept For An Area

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This would probably be a part of some sea off in a location that is sort of lacking islands, like the top left of the Bronze Sea. Would be static and not some random spawning thing, this is it’s own location.

so basically each layer would internally be a separate location.

a few things are:

Upper Depths would have some passive things like sea snails and crabs that just move around slowly on some of the clams sticking out.

since it still is past the bottom of the sea chests would be abundant in Upper Depths

Lower Depths eels have holes in the sides that are their nests, they snap out of them if you get too close

Lower Depths undersea volcanos release damaging steam and have tier 2+ chests on them, decently abundant. The area itself would be very warm on the temperature meter because of the volcanos

Midnight Point would have some of those weird jellyfish you’d see if you google “Mariana Trench Jellyfish” and near the top would contain a hypothetical tier 3 waterbreathing reagent in decent abundance, and near Point Thalass would have a very, very high abundance of tier 3 chests.

Point Thalass would have nothing apart from a special untradable hat at the very, very bottom on a tiny spire that gives a badge as well as the hat, being a reward for making it. The walls as mentioned are specially jagged to provide for the ability to regenerate stamina as unlike other levels doesn’t have any outcrops or other stuff jutting out the walls to regen stamina. Your Air Drain would probably have a flat bonus added on regardless of waterbreathing and other stuff from the sheer depth

Below is a super smooth wall that has an incline, basically meaning death since there’s nothing to rest on, and your Air Drain would exponentially increase down here the further you go mostly because you’re not meant to get any further

the deep is calling


vetex is never going to add this no matter how detailed, descriptive, amazingly made this idea is

I will manually build and perhaps even script this if it means I can get it in game

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We could build the concept for it and he still wouldn’t accept it.

Calamity mod abyss moment

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yes that’s somewhat of the inspiration

even at that vetex wouldn’t do it. you know how he is, he doesn’t even want to add a team to lessen the work load on him.

Maybe he likes working.

I mean if there’s ever some community build competition I’d gladly make this instead of a lame island

maybe then it might exist

this is an anthill



why has this post just been reacted to with crying emojis?

calamity mod abyss flashbacks

dark sea but vertical

This one’s sanity must’ve crumbled

Warm: “Hey dubious”

Me: “What”

Warm: “Can I copy your homework and change it a little so it’s not too similar?”

should add a worm boss that spawns if you teleport inside of it with millions of health

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and a fixed chest down below that drops a non-consumable item that teleports you to some kind of boss rush place

This is a pretty neat concept, pretty neat indeed. Point Thalass scares the hell out of me though, because of how much you can accidentally mess up and fall into that incline, all for some untradeable hat.

Tempting, though I’d be too much of a p–sy for the first few tries.