Gagagaggaggaggagga tirl


Welcome to the Rice Cookers club! I don’t know what else to say so I made up some random club name ;-;

why is there ketchup on it???

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you uncultured little-

its sauce :moyai:


oh ok then.

Did you just say ketchup :nauseated_face:

well, at least you didnt burn it

I lost my appetite all of the sudden

I was eating cookie crisp too :sob:

What the heck is that red sauce?

if it’s ketchup I swear i’m gonna fucking track down his ip and cook his remains into a stroganoff


dawg thats not fucking rice thats literally vomit what the fuck

That looks like ketchup. Blasphemy

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literally get one of these

idk what that sauce is but go you

wtf is wrong with yall

don’t even know what rice + sauce is smh :man_facepalming:


what kind of ketchup have you idiots been having god damn, my ancestors are crying smh

nice work, it looks like a nice n simple meal. Well done :+1:

how tf is that stuff ketchup to them

they either need their eyes checked or the ketchup brands they purchase changed

exactly, ig they’ve never seen rice w/ sauce before either

my mom is good at cooking rice ngl

stuff is good with chicken

Teriyaki chicken+Rice=Yum

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