Gagagaggaggaggagga tirl

ketchup is like viscous and shinny
sauce is (depends on wich and who made it) its like red water with stuff in it
the only thing they have in common is red color

massive difference

Sauce vs ketchup | English For Life

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sauce not always serverd hot
ketchup tho, it is indeed always server cold (unless you are a weirdo)

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warm ketchup


what are the sauce ingredients.???

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t o m a t o

tomato + tomato + tomato

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i boil my ketchup before drinking it like a soup


you are a monster


I know it’s not ketchup, is that suppose to curry???

Seeing your aversion towards sauce/ketchup on rice hurts my inner Filipino :frcryin:

I like those together tho

I do know what sauce is, I was just surprised that they said ketchup.


ketchup + rice is good tho :rage:

get a ride cooker u donut


I actually cook, I’d throw that shit out the window. Fellow should’ve just left the rice as is.

you’ve given me enough reason not to turn his limbs into satay sticks
he won’t be so lucky next time if he pulls this shit again

You don’t add peppers to yours?
