Gagagaggaggaggagga tirl

oh naw what the fuck bro? KETCHUP??? ON FUCKING RICE???

it’s a sauce man idk what to tell you

Not to shit on you and no offense but this is an abomination, why is there sauce on the rice :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Its only good if its like chicken with the sauce on the rice.

Sauced chicken put on the rice.

yea basically

Bro thats normal

nah im hispanic so i have rice every day and not once in my life I have ever seen a single spec of sauce on rice (unless I count broth like from beans or soup)

I too have rice not everday though. Unless its with something else its weird.

its tomato sauce not ketchup wtf

A bottle of classic Heinz ketchup contains tomato concentrate “from red ripe tomatoes ,”

what does that have to do with anything
yeah ketchup has tomatoes too did you ever notice

how to tell that 90% of forumers only eat lays chips and drink mtn dew:

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I just said ketchup had tomatoes. Tomato sauce=watery ketchup.

what are you talking about…

I just said. ketchup and tomato sauce are very similar

you didnt even need to say that
everyone knows that…

oki. well I said it.

Would you rather eat this?
Or this?

This one.

And why was this directed at me?