Game Thingy I'm Working On

This is around my third attempt at trying to make a game on Roblox, but I believe this time around I may actually be able to make this one. This is a tower defense game, but the goal is to add some sort of story to it (Not a lot as it may be too much). Since it’s summer, this is what I’ll be spending some of my time on.

Also, if you have any map ideas/character ideas for my game, it would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been working on it for 2 days now and I want to see if I can at least make it to everyday for half a month. In this time, I made some enemy characters and 1 map, although, the regular zombies are the only ones who appear on the map as of now. I still have to find a way to add animations to the enemies, which I’m sure I’ll figure out to do later on.


is there a theme for what the towers can be?

No, not at the moment

Hey here is an idea:
There are already MANY, and when i say this MANY games riding the TD trend on roblox, if you wanna do something cool i would suggest adding some unique mechanics or at least make it stand out

Maybe you could do something like BTD and have paths for characters or something? or maybe have the players do something besides waiting for money, like the player having to fix towers after they get broken after a set amount of time, or being able to place traps after a set amount of time

Some Base Character ideas i can think of rn are:

The Sharpshooter - Uses a revolver with 6 slots and fires once every 2/3rds of a second, after firing its 6th bullet it has to reload for 3 seconds
The Swordsman - Low range high damage attacker, needs to actually be close to the track and has no range increasing upgrades, but has high DPS
The Brute - Has a morning star, has a high attack CD but has amazing damage output and high-range
The Nurse - Basically the medic from TF2, can buff nearby units and can deal damage but mostly is used for applying debuffs to enemies
The Illusionist - A magician that focuses on applying debuffs such as confusion and stun to enemies
The Elementist - Uses 3 elements, Fire, Ice, And Thunder, and attacks in a random pattern, Depending on which path you choose the other elements slowly get selected more and more until that is the only element they use. Fire deals DoT, Ice slows enemies, Thunder goes from enemy to enemy
The Shaman - “Seals” enemies by basically stunning them and dealing damage to them overtime
The Golem - Throws rocks at enemies if there aren’t any nearby, slowing them and dealing a decent amount of damage, at close range it punches enemies dealing very good DPS
The Vampire - Attacks enemies at a decent range by throwing a bat at them, not only do they get stronger with the more upgrades they get, but they also get stronger with the more kills they have

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theos tower


lmk if you need someone to make mob models

Arcane Odyssey Tower Defense when

Map idea: desolate rustlands.

Some kind of deserted waste covered in giant rusted gears and machines

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1 Week Progress:

Current GUI:

2 New Towers (Scout and Soldier):


New Map:

I don’t know what to do with this other map below. This was originally supposed to be sandal’s Desolate Rustland idea, but as I was building it, it wasn’t really working out the way I wanted it to go, so I deleted a bunch of stuff.

I managed to add the animations to both the enemies and the towers. I also found a way for the player to not collide with any of the towers or enemies, which took me way longer to do than expected. Currently, I’m working on the health bars as it’s being a bit annoying for me, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.


I did find this upcoming game called TDX, basically hardmode tower defense where like NPCS can’t shoot NPCs through walls. It’ll get covered. You can try this out IG that’d honestly seem cool to use
(Original idea by GDI lives)

Also here’s a tower name if you want to use it :niceman:

pretty neat