Gamehero14 Draws Abs

More anatomy and pose practice. But this time, I also worked on drawing quality censorship cloths so I can post it. So I got clothes practice too.:blush:

See also: gamehero draws a drunk/high woman trying to flirt again.


Recently started watching a Greek mythology series with my dad. Decided to kinda take the Greek pottery art style and run with it. Thus, I made this without proper linework and with three colors in total.

The abs may or may not have been on the actual reference model. And may or may not have been an addition.


Am currently studying a particular artstyle.
See if you can guess what it’s based on from this one image.:blush:

legend of Zelda breath of the wild concept art

Very late but.


I’ll be keeping a VERY close eye on this. You’ve caught my attention (and only by using fictional rank insignias as well I’m actually cooked :sob:)

“Only fictional” is a bit of a stretch—the enlisted ones, at least, are heavily based on real life insignia.

302 lbs at 6’2? does he have a beer belly :pleading_face:

No, he has bones infused with titanium and the maximum muscle fiber density that a human being could possibly have.

I’ve always hated how media gives people superhuman durability without bothering to think what that’d do to their weight. Like screw off, you can’t convince me a flipping 110 pound twink can just walk off being smashed into a building or shot (cough anime cough). A modified behemoth who’s about a hundred pounds heavier than he should be, though? Yeah, that makes more sense.

I also interpret that all agents in Decaying Winter have augmentation. Even the survivalist. You take like 10 damage from being shot with a handgun in this game, there’s no way you’re just a normal human.

Pretty sure most of the guns there are pretty crappy, especially considering we can handcraft equivalents.

Also there’s a Good chance they have body armor, considering they are combat agents

Yes and no—most of the guns are at least fairly close to real life firearms. And I don’t think most of them are handcrafted. Also, the bullets should be the main determinate of damage, not the gun itself (the game ignores this).

As for armor, that’s a more plausible explanation. But even so, there’s the fact that melee agents hit like trucks assuming they don’t have depression, the fact that you only break limbs rarely upon taking damage (real life body armor almost never protects limbs), and the fact that the agents can run for a grand total of eight seconds—all this tells me they’re probably modified internally.

Most of them can’t be handcrafted, but we CAN handcraft equivalents, sometimes even outperforming the real ones.

Also I don’t think being on a planet with constant freezing storms of acid is very good for the mechanisms

Okay, yeah, but that’d affect the cycling mechanisms and maybe cause misfires. If the bullets are properly ignited, they’d still do approximately the same damage.

Also go get hit by a shovel at full strength, you are gonna get pretty injured, especially if the person hitting you has combat training

yeah well i was expecting him to weigh less because he kind of looks like a twink

oh thats sick, im reading a light novel that literally doesnt ignore this

like you can’t carry the strength to pick up houses without your bones being crushed by your own muscles

so you gotta find a way to turn your bones to be strong as iron

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Hello everyone! I’m sure you’ve heard of the upcoming art contest. I would say I’m pleased to participate, but I know this is going to drive me absolutely crazy.

So uh, instead, I’m pleased to sacrifice my sanity for you all☺️

DW’s guns are honestly just really wonky in general, which is saying a lot considering Red is generally really good regarding her guns…
Of course, it’s probably related to its balancing and the fact that scavs eventually just spam you with guns.

In Anomalous Activities, they’re far more accurate at least. Feeling quite real and like each gun packs its own punch but isn’t unrealistic.
I would definitely believe every Agent has some kind of augmentation in DW though. It’s strongly implied, especially considering their status being a literal special operations agent.

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… Eh? I mean, they work, but nothing felt particularly special to me. Maybe I’m just not an FPS guy, though.

(Or maybe it’s because she makes everything ten-tap on a body shot and two-tap on a headshot. Seriously, why is it that the peacemaker chain is the only gun where bodyshots are viable?)

i read this and instantly thought of deepwoken, has the brainrot got to me