Gamehero14 Draws Abs

Yes, I believe it has.

Three really crude outlines for the first three panels of my contest submission.


Tale of an Odyssey (my submission) currently has five out of eight panels completed.

Know other artists have spent longer on their projects, but ten hours is the longest I’ve spent on something I plan to post here. Can’t say I’m making good time, but college unfortunately eats at my time.


Six out of eight panels are now finished. The end is in sight!

I’m just now realizing that when the contest says it closes on the 29th, it may mean that it’s closing at like 23:59 PM on September 28th. I am now rushing to finish everything by tomorrow. Help.

im in the same boat :skull: ive had a sketch ready for like a whole week yet have not made ANY progress on it

SAME. I’ve been stressing out about it I don’t think im gonna chill till I finish :tired_face:

Guy at.

I’m going to be cutting it REAL close with this one. Uncomfortably so. Ah well, been there, done that before in college.

Welp, I’m finally done!:tada:

Took a grand total of fifteen hours and thirty four minutes—and that’s not including doing the posing and looking for reference images.

Wish everyone well in the contest, and may the most insane artist win!

I feel like drawing someone from AO for a few doodles. Who should I draw?

Who Should I Draw?
    • Dame Caesennia
    • There is no second option
    • Caesennia
    • Caesennia of Ravenna
    • Centurion Caesennia
    • My ex-sparring partner (Caesennia)
    • Guardian of Rubica’s Southern Gate, Caesennia
    • Should’ve-been-a-quartermaster Caesennia
    • Dame, Dame Caesennia
    • Wait, what’s Caesennia’s last name???
0 voters

Feremius luco

None of these options are Argos

She’s from Ravenna, is a centurion, and has 50% similarity to Argos’s build (warrior as opposed to warlord)—she’s close enough.

Alright, due to the popular demand, I will be drawing Dame Caesennia! I’m nothing if not a servant to the people’s wishes.:blush:

hi rb1, you reacted to 3 of my posts with :sob: and you joined 20 minutes ago

your name is now rbevone

His name will soon be rbgone.


I have spent four hours today drawing Dame Caesennia.

That’s more than the amount of hours I’ve spent on college assignments today, I can tell ya that much.