Ghostly's doodle thread

is she looking at the sun

Yes and her sun is Edward

Unfamiliar territory, but you have a lot of damn potential.
All uncharted territories have to get charted eventually.
Get back out there, I salute you.

(For your first one, it’s already REALLY GOOD.)

Keira before and after her lore happened. I love giving OCs trauma!


the Order fucks everyone up. Even their workers.

She needs a gilded giant fish pie to help cheer her up at least a tad.

Give her some Portuguese egg tart and peace and quiet then she’ll feel better about being in Aesir.

If you’re feeling adventurous, give her a single cup of alcohol. Just one cup :+1:.

Hocus pocus amnesia laser gun forget all the bad things that happened to her

Just one? What happens at two or more…?

At 2 cup she just passes out. Keira is a severe lightweight. One cup she becomes one of those obliviously happy anime girls

If only such things exist… I’d use it all on my ocs. Except Dragomir.

Live free my badly dressed boy.

Please, for the love of Poseidon give him actually decent clothing.
And why would you use the amnesia ray on mei if it existed…?

Don’t worry, I’ll get him decent clothes eventually.

As for Mei. Well, it’ll be nice for her to leave behind all her trauma. But forgetting Caroline exists makes me kinda sad.

delete Caroline and make a new file
I mean Hrm what
Did some fart?

I see. Noted, duly.
Just keep that info away from a mf named Remington…

I see that Abigail isn’t alone in being a ridiculous lightweight lol (man this made me randomly think about figuring out how my other files take alcohol ngl, all I got atm besides how Abigail takes it is that Aisha can handle quite a bit and still be sober)

Adversity builds CHARACTER

As the saying goes, suffering builds character


Speaking of suffering,

Work in progress! Context: If they go into the dark sea
