Ghostly's doodle thread

how will this affect the real estate market in the war seas?

Oh christ.
This is actually frightening.

Mei: Heart actually broken
Caroline: horrifyingly cold
Vincent: Looks like his chips fell at the wrong time

Thank you. I take pride in 2 things.

The ability to draw the most grotesque, terrified, horrified, disgusted, desperate and even sadistic expression someone does not want to see.

As well as the ability to draw the : D face

Imagine her seeing insanity 1 zone

Only a few of them.

Gladly traumatizing Vega, he was a slave in lore after all
Not Corrina though she’s just a cute little plush toy of a girl

Remember, suffering builds character

If they aren’t walking mental disorders, are they really OCs?

See, this guy gets it

After all, OC is just short for OCD, right?

Swimming out of dark sea on magma platforms

All of them

all of my OCs have at least some amount of trauma

  • Abigail has had crap thrown at her left and right thanks to story events, especially the entire Eternal Mines thing (she also had one Dark Sea expedition that made her fear for her own humanity bc Dark Sea rain effects headcanon)
  • Aisha literally watched her parents die before being taken in by pirates (both of those factors contributed to her cruelty)
  • Aura has had way too many close calls with literally everything that could kill her
  • Zoey learned the hard way who to trust and who not to trust from her mercenary/guard jobs
  • Amber was orphaned like Aisha was (but got taken in by bounty hunters instead of pirates)
  • Elvira got scared to death after hearing about someone else from Palo Town (aka Abigail) suddenly going missing and booked it as soon as she could because she thought she could’ve been in danger herself

Mikhail: lost his parents to a terrorist attack by a certain order, lost his best friend, lost his entire squadron of troops to his own mistake, lost hope, lost faith, lost his happiness

Phrixus: lost his parents, lost his happiness, lost the only girl that truly loved him, lost his identity, lost his emotion

Aurora: lost her parents, lost her country, lost her eyes

Kaira: lost her parents, lost her home

Galahad: lost his parents, lost his country, lost his home

Dacian & Lucian: lost their parents, lost their sanity

Notice a similarity between all of them

Ah y’know what, fuck it; trauma time for my big one:

Aritz Arcturus: Lost his entire crew to the Order of Aesir chasing down a newer friend or three of his, saw the bloodied corpses of his decades-old friends that were deckhands in the water, alongside his shredded caravel, and lost everything he mastered in magic and weapons after he woke up from a horrible concussion on Dawn Island.
Ends up losing most of the clan he’s in to Julian and the Eternal Mines, but does recuse them with others in the clan. Almost died to Calvus, too.

Noncanon to AO Itself Stuff (Robobitch Odyssey Trauma)

After going through the Dark Sea to reach the Emerald Sea, the clan, Arcana, lands on Bierund. They have to escape the knights and also end up fighting and almost dying to the Shadow Curse user, before being roped into a deal between life and death. Aritz is already scared of curse users at this point - this fight, with about 10 or more people, and the curse user still not being injured much, only furthered this fear.
Radentrutz… In summary: Several party members kidnapped, in particular, the adopted child of a close friend, and the constant insult to any ability to do anything, multiple lost magic users in their faces, endless taunts, watching others descend into madness…
It kept spiraling until some hope surged back!

…And then his first friend he had on this new journey was kidnapped, and brainwashed into a mindless puppet.
When the final fight of the kingdom came to be, he literally skipped the puppet fight to deliver one hit on the queen (the actual boss) and instantly leapt out of a window - Chaos seeping fully into his mind, and his perception and thoughts entirely torn apart. And before that, he was completely emotionless besides scorn and malice. A husk of what once was - from cheery and cocky, with some wisdom to spare, to a mere machine of vengeance and hatred, with screams of self-hatred and taunting foes pounding in his skull.

He’s okay now tho. Got his shit beaten in and his allies got the Chaos within to run off :+1:
he did end up in a week-long coma tho

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Jesus, mans went through hell. Someone get these people therapists, they need it.

Getting clobbered to get the Chaos out works too!

sure that kinda doesn’t help the original problem, but yknow
