Gimme ur OCs pls

Am bored gimme ur OCs and briefly explain their backstory.

I’ll start:
Mikhail Kuznetsov, used to sell drugs (potions) for a living, then story happened and joined Gravy for drip and govenment privileges, then realised how corrupt and trash the Gravy is so he is thinking of quittin

He’s a warrior because of something called Magic Fatigue (I made it up), he saw the side effects that magic does to people, destroying their soul and corroding their body, so ditched magic in favor of weapons. He’s quite rich due to his habit of “murder and loot”.

Canonically 20 years old, actually 42 years old


Mei Bliss, ice conjurer. She grew up in a criminal underground with her friend, but one day she ran away. From then on she grew up in Palo town. Her pirate hate was given to her by the friend.

Canonically speaking, out of all my files she has the most experience with sailing, making her the best captain for a ship unlike my other files. She’s 20 years old in canon as well.

Forgot to mention she has a major crush on Edward Kenton
Her art

Also can I post multiple ocs? :o


Kristen Waters (Post Time Skip)

Previously the daughter of ice merchants from Frostmill, vowed to track down the assassins who burned down her town and killed her parents. She teams up with 2 other crew members along the way, Winters and Morrin. This eventually leads to Whitesummit, where they learn the truth about the accident. And it’s so much more than they’ve bargained for, Winters was never the same again.

Now Kristen sails the seas trying to find her rival and bring him back to the right mind, where ever that might take her.


Is the friend that Mei escaped with from the criminal underground the same as the one who gave her the pirate hat?

Also :000
A fellow ice conjuror! High five! :raised_hand:

Mei did not escape with her friend, but yes this is the same friend that gave her the hat

Heck yeah amigo :clap:

Gabriel Banks

“Some people just want to see world burn”

(Btw he has almost 150k fame so big hero I guess)

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the him
Joe Galleon
He likes fire. A lot of fire


Pauldrons and cape combo looks really cool, but if I was you, I would try out combine this with the jacket and tie outfit instead of just basic shirt.

This is fine

tobin silverthorn

if you look up what chaotic neutral means, this picture comes up

Melissa Booth

she likes punching sharks and sea monsters

the end

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I’m just now noticing that having characters that align with the canon MC’s backstory is less than common-

well, we know jacksht about MC’s background so :person_shrugging:

Aritz Arcturus, a once-was conjurer, and thirty-six year old sailor that frequented the Bronze and Nimbus seas in his time as a ship captain, shipping cargo between islands. He’s a seasoned sailor, and is nothing to sneeze at with his canonical creativity and experience in combat.
While his actual backstory is pretty uninteresting (He’s just a Palo Town native and resident; started working on ships at 14, began working with a crew at 16, and when he was 20, he became a proper captain of a caravel), it’s mainly so his connection to the plot can be wide-open.

In the case of proper, canonical Arcane Odyssey, Aritz starts catching wind of some suspicious activity in the Bronze Sea as his ship is annihilated in the crossfire of an assault related to the escape of Tucker, Morden, and the protagonist. He effectively ends up following directly behind the protagonist, cleaning up whatever scraps of the Order remain in the way, and picking the pieces up as the story continues; rebuilding the small empire of power he had as a captain, with a magnificent galleon that was stacked as hell.

I won’t list the lore for some of the writing things I’ve done, unless asked.
For why he was once a conjurer and now a warlock here, just assume he took a sip of that interchange potion at the local potluck and decided to swap up his style

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Screenshot 2023-06-07 171017

there’s more but I don’t have them

file names from first to last
Jayden Xi
Ray Silverthorn
Remus Elric
Azumi Astra

Aiza Drake, used to scam people by saying ‘’ give me your item first then i’ll give you mine’’ for galleons and items then she went insane and decided to kill people that had over 100 k renown and then she got arrested andt then she died and r2irv

The shark wrestler!

Maddox Gates. A shy, nerdy guy. Nothing’s really special about him, he just exists.

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Gabriel Valk. He loved sailing the seas with his family until some pirates attacked, destroying the ship they were on and starting the events of the AO story. While he has no memory of his previous life, his resentment for pirates remained. He has made a goal to protect the Bronze Seas from any pirates he encounters…Except for Ruby Rodger, he gets a pass.

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