Gimme ur OCs pls

she just like me frr

Ruby Rodgers earns that pass.
He’s just an adventurer.

“just” is an understatement

hey, so does mine!


yeah sure, that’s a lot more replies than I expected lol


Captain of the Winds of Adventure, Latest to carry the flame of the Gilded Dragon.

From the Highest peaks of the sky islands, to the lowest depths of our oceans, Crimson explores the mysteries this world has to offer. Found drifting on a rowboat at the edge of the seas, he was only a boy when he undertook his first dive. By the time he was a teen he had ascended to the peak of Mount Orthys, and now as his adult years wane on, his eyes turn to that encroaching dark fog.

A smile in the darkest time, a shoulder to lean on in your darkest hour, the weight of the world can’t smother his flame. Yet he is not simple minded. His earthly desires do not define him, and as much as he loves to explore the world, it is the exploration of the self he finds most challenging. Many long hours of meditation force him to reflect and ask “What if I had done this… what if I had changed that…?”

And the answer he always reaffirms himself, is that he would change nothing in the course of his life. He wouldn’t risk missing a single second, of the ups, nor the downs.

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Two twin brothers
Both are shy and an outcast, but Edward thinks it’s better to do nothing in most cases while Henry fights even if it means killing

They always question his life choice and the things he does, after he and his brother Henry Cane after together doing a very awful thing while drunk at the age of 18, after the incident, both decide to never drink alcohol ever in life.

They took a job as a privateer together due to no one accepting them, but Edward escapes from the ship after being sick with 10 years of service plundering.
Edward Tobacco

he soon married and had a son, and after 2 years he took a job hunting sharks and whales, his proficiency fascinates the captain and after 5 years of service he decides to make him the new captain and bought a new ship and let Edward name her himself, and he named it Queen Orca

now he embarks on his journey hunting big game and hoping to find his brother

Henry Cane

He questions a lot of his actions, yet every time he wants to stop living in violence, his instinct and surrounding always force him to choose violence

He’s with Edward during the privateering days, but somehow Edward was gone and never seen from the ship, he thought Edward escaped in which Henry decided to stay for a bit since they were actually getting paid until everyone on that ship was betrayed by their home country and is marked as a pirate, cursed to wander the sea

to this day, Henry is hoping he will meet his brother.

This is AO version of them, they were originally an OC with original backstory, though they were pretty similar


if theyre siblings why do they have different last names

Both were named after very popular plants in the 18th century, tobacco and sugar cane, I thought both of them as being popular commodities back then were obvious.


Adri Sonozaki, The Lightbringer

he’s a rather typical/classic/stereotypical pure good hero


Jennifer Silverthorn, the Argent Tempest
strange story here, she is a widow cuz of Order of Aesir. Now mildly insane cuz of the loss of her family. But also is very cheerful cuz of her original personality and the fact that she also cant remember who her family are yet still longing to see them.

Adena Goldhill, the Hell Thrall
overworked merchant that carry too many cargos she decided to learn martial art and beat up pirates.

I also have a gravy warlord file but nah


Name: Takashi Silverthorn
Age: 22 (Game Hours) 27 (Canon Age)
Titles: “General Silverthorn”(Formerly)/“The Bronze Wrath”(Formerly)/“The Banished Bronze”(Current)

Takashi Silverthorn formerly known as one of the Ravenna general. During his time part of the Ravenna he has trained very hard non stop to reach the top and stand within the top commanders of the Ravenna Realm. He had trained and helped the recruits and befriended Dame Caesennia at that time. During patrol he has found group of cloaked people with a symbol on them and Calvus was with them. Right as he was about to get out of the scene, he was caught and was knocked out. Later after he was concious he found himself in a cell with a boy named Mordan…

Name: Takashi Silverthorn
Age: 22(Game Hour) 29(Canon)

This is the current state after the whole storyline in AO, he still visits Ravenna silently to meet with Dame Caesennia from time to time.

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me, Sebastian Banks. Age? who cares, there’s 300 year old lolis already

15 to 18 alr? I hate the aging system in the game
RobloxScreenShot20230318_121109374 (2)
So uh… briefly eh…
Because of unusual circumstances, and human experiments, she(he, femboy) woke up on Dawn Island with a few changes to her personality.
She acts like a wannabe cosplay maid when meeting new people, and wears a maid dress all the time.
She gets playful when dealing with aquaintances.
She likes beating bad guys up to a point it’s sadistic.

And a few Insanity Traits(help me my eigth-grader-syndrome is acting up again)
If she sees her bare legs she will have insanity 4, which means lots of pain and takes damage.
So she bandages her legs.
When she fights she is so sadistic up to a point people think she’s insane(I metioned this didn’t I)

I think I mentioned that “she” is a he, and a femboy. Just another trait that happened after she woke up.

I recently drew this

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I dont want to see underage characters on forum

they r not underage, anyways you can pretend they’re 18 if u want, hence the “15 to 18”.

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yeah i can see why

Is it just me or does he look like Cernyx?

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Mike Arrow, he used to be from Cirrus Island, untill one day, he got a bit too close to the edge and fell off (because of this, he has a fear of heights), he landed in the water, the force knocked him unconsious. He drifted to Whitesummit, where a bunch of criminals found him and sold him to the Order of Aesir, the whole shebang happends, and now he’s in AO.

In game he is 18, backstory-wise he is around 12, he is a purple acid savant.

Mike is a friendly fellow, who hates seeing his friends get hurt, then he gets angry, very angry, and while normally he doesnt like fighting, when its absolutely neccesary or for some other reason, he wont hold back.

without acid arcsphere

with acid arcsphere

right now he is looking for better equipment to use, he has heard of a legend that a chestplate has sunken into the sea and is thus imbued with magic properties, he is looking for that chestplate. (aka i need sunken lmao)