Gimme ur OCs pls


Toshiko Varnish - Ignoring his edgy appearance, he is a thief who steals from corrupt, rotten individuals. He typically uses these stolen goods as a form of blackmail, attempting to force those he steals from to help others. Though he’s labeled as a criminal for it, he promises himself and those he saves that he will continue stealing for the greater good.

Still a WIP though.

Augustus Silverthorn. Despite the fact that the main story depicts the main player character as a teenager, Augustus is actually an old man. Retired Grand Navy officer and former bounty hunter, he now spends most of his spare time fishing like a hermit in the most random areas in the War Seas.

He is also good friends with Edward Kenton and they often reminisce on the glory days of both being former Navy officers. Now they sail the seas together.

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I am so tempted to draw this guy next to MY maddox just because they’re literal polar opposites

Maddox Gates:

-simple design
-White hair
-Needs glasses

Maddox Browne:

-Honestly a fashion king
-Black hair
-Crazy motherfucker
-No need for glasses

this just sounds like Gorbachev’s eternal rival

uhm ackshually my boy has platinum blond hair :nerd_face: :point_up:

not that the difference is all that noticable from afar

Guys, say hello to Hisashi Ryuzaki a 15 year-old ronin (now pirate) from the Ryujin Dynasty.
Born in Y1839 in the Ryujin Dynasty to the powerful elite samurai house, the “Ryuzaki” house, (They all have pink hair btw) Hisashi grew up alongside his father, mother, and younger brother, Hisashi fought long and hard to impress his father, never gaining his recognition. At the age of 7, his father, an esteemed bounty hunter, commited harakiri after failing to hunt a fugitive of the kingdom (let’s see who understands the parellels here). Hisashi, enraged after hearing about the suicide of his father, awakened his first magic, Poison.

Since then, Hisashi has been described by those closest to him as cold and heartless, despite the fact that he’s just bitter, others call him edgy. Shortly thereafter, Hisashi went off to become a samurai for a wealthy estate owner in the Ryujinese countryside. There he served his master for 6 years, alongside his younger brother, Kenji Ryuzaki. Eventually, his master had died of old age. According to the Code of Honor, a samurai must be willing to die after his master’s death. However, Hisashi was built different.

Thereafter, he fled the kingdom alongside his younger brother. He and his brother sailed the seas together, plundering, murdering, and doing whatever just to get by. And while his brother sought opportunity elsewhere in the Assassin Syndicate, eventually reaching Maestro rank by the age of 12, Hisashi kept his lifestyle as a pirate, decling to join the Syndicate due to their relation with his father’s death. Hisashi eventually met a man named Morden, who accompanied him along his adventures. Soon, they would be discovered by the Order of Aesir, who seeked the power they had within them. And the rest??? The rest is history.

So if you actually read allat and the little backstory I created for my proudest work, tell me what you thought of it. I hope it wasn’t too dark for the forum but whatevs.

Clearing up some questions before they arise:
-Kenji is 3 years younger than Hisashi
-Hisashi’s left eye was slashed during an encounter with a wanted criminal when he was 11
-Hisashi’s mother is still alive, and currently working her dream job as a housewife at the Imperial Palace

his purple hair and accessories actually look good together

January Light (post timeskip), Flaming Conjurer
They were supposed to be a samurai when they were young, but they had the dumb option of taking a journey by themselves when they were younger. A storm washed up their homemade sailboat and they landed straight to the Bronze Sea, just farther south of the Ryujin Dynasty. They stayed like a castaway for days, with no food but water that wasn’t drinkable, but they had to risk it to survive. They developed Fire Magic because of the magic energy stored in the water they drank. And a small rookie pirate crew picked them up on their Caravel and they got to be a deckhand with them before the crew disbanded due to reasons they couldn’t discuss.

They soon learned how to imbue their magic into their weapons, and now they’re a silly conjurer who wants to fight and cook everytime :DDD

make him fight my file bc theyre also FROM THE RYUJIN DYNASTY THAT BECAME A PIRATE (theyre a pirate-samurai lmao)


ight when u running the 1s (i need clips for a pvp montage im working on wink wink)
and ngl that drip goes hard

no like he don wanna see “underage” duds and also cuz the game starts us at 18 even tho i wanted sebastian to be 15.

I actually wanted him to be named Mikhail Kutuzov, A Russian Field Marshal during the Napoleonic wars, but there wasn’t the name so I picked the closest thing then I realised this Kuznetsov guy is actually a historical Navy Captain, so kinda fits my OC ig lol

my oc is 4

When you try Robin Hood:

My OC is 12 :skull:

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i have no idea how old my mascot/main oc (Archenhailor) is

dawg I’m gonna have the oldest (or at least tied for first) OC in AO at this rate :skull:

Unless Tech comes in clutch with his “War Saint” character or smth

164 years old OC because magic prolongs life gyahahahahahaha byohohohohohoho