Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement

Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement
effort 4.975609756097561 41 quality 5.0 42 reasonability 5.0 44

give him a unique title and make a chef npc reference him in nimbus sea

A quartermaster would be cool but that’s just too much

It is a vague reference to be fair.

We let this man cook


Gotta cook

Bumping, make the vote count 100!

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This suggestion also literally only has 5 star reviews which is w


I am proud of it

As am I

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(tiny bump) did you expect this to get this many votes?

No not really lol. I expected to be the only one to really care about this

this is why i love the forums :heart:

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bump :frpensive:

He cooked :fire:



That’s some dedication, but holy moly, do go touch grass at some point.

I surprisingly have a hobby outside of roblox :smirk_cat:

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I’d agree with this if they only had 1 million cooking XP since that’s a crazy milestone on its own, but to do it twice is a whole different level of insane.