Give me your best jokes

Ok i know i am not a comedy guy but i really like annoying my friends with bad jokes and i am out of ideas

So can anyone give me a bad joke
(Any type of jokes)


Here’s a dorky math joke I came up with-

Why was the scatterplot lonely?


Because its always looking for a relationship.

I will now leave


…dad? that you?

download (1)
i am very funni

I said jokes no lies

(Not original) Is it batmans or batmen?

No, a group consisting of more than one batman is called an Orphanage.


Three pigeons were sitting on a roof in London.

One said to the other

I forgot a punchline sorry.

Hey, are you a beggar?

Because your attitude is poor.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side!




Why do fruits hate grand theft auto?

The super funny and hilarious punchline

They always get “wasted”

Oh and here’s a classic yo mama joke.

Yo mama so slow it took her 9 months to make a joke

how to clean the windows
reboot your computer

plz dont ban me

Why are there no fat men in japan
last time one dropped it… uh…

boom, killed lotta ppl…


This is definitely the best worst joke of all time.

Literally even a dad joke is funnier than that.


I’m expecting this comment to be updating in nine months.

Wow…i am having fun :slight_smile:

I dropped out from school for this

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A Danish, a Swedish and a Norwegian person are stranded in a desert after their car runs out of fuel.

The Dane says “I will carry the water so we can drink something when we get thirsty”.

The Norman then says “I will carry the food so we can eat something when we get hungry”.

The Swede then says" I will carry the car door so we can roll down the window when it gets too hot".

End of joke


