Give the player a forcefield after clicking "Confirm" when using the in-game "Return to Title Screen" button

Give the player a forcefield after clicking "Confirm" when using the in-game "Return to Title Screen" button
effort 2.0 1 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3


Currently, when using the in-game “Return to Title Screen” button and confirm your choice, the game doesn’t always teleport you right away.
While waiting for the teleport, your character is vulnerable and can still be attacked by someone, which will count as a combat log.
This can happen even if there is no combat tag visible when clicking “Confirm”, resulting in a non-consensual combat log.


The character should not stay vulnerable once “Confirm” is clicked.
Once the player confirms they want to return to the title screen, their player character should be given a forcefield.
This would not be abusable since you have to confirm that you want to teleport to another server before it’s applied.


This combined with an earlier suggestion of mine would make the in-game “Return to Title Screen” button a much safer option than simply using Alt+F4 or the x button.


just make the teleport fail if in combat

Yes please.

That’s not how that works. Once there’s a request for a roblox server teleport, the only thing that can stop it is a connection error or a full server, and the return to title screen button matchmakes you to a non-full server.
That matchmaking might be the reason it takes longer sometimes.


I like this. Some idiots find making me non-consensually combat log funny

bump again (deleting last one so it doesn’t spam replies)

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