(Giveaway finished u thugs..) NIMBUS update is the WORST UPDATE in ARCANE ODYSSEY HISTORY buzz word BUZZ word buzz word

put ur username in your forum account bio or in the replies. do NOT give any alts and if ur account is too new u not getitng in.

lucky winner gets this and 15k galleons (wow!!)

alts accounts wont be let in (both forum and roblox wise)
rich people wont be let in
im such a nice person, arcane communiyty !!

  • mr beast
  • beast mode
  • beastification of youtube
  • beast.
0 voters

no this isnt bait ive done 3 zillion giveaways and tourneys. why? doing it just cuz


i lost 4 sunkens to the wipe !!

this was the original topic i was gonna post but i decided i dont wanna ruin my chances !! :speaking_head:

you should post definitely will not get banned

rich people donate me stuff to add to this so i can boost my reputation even more !! i might maybe add a pumpkin fedora instead of the 15k too if that happens

my username is fartman1314 (ingame and forum)

g (full sentence)

(from: 3ruyr)

17 voters and 4 replies, this platform is full of brainfodder

just reread it turns out i am actually the brainfodder since your account can be in your bio

What if I don’t want to win, I just want to see who gets it >:)

h-hey lol :point_right::point_left: (ign is hiilovetacosalot2, disc is tacoseries)

stuttering in text is something else


Can I join the giveaway? Username: Darkzoul1234

im putting my reply here anyway

then you give me a VALUABLE ITEM to add onto this :innocent: :innocent:

that_candyshark (i need this i swear)

I’m FantomForkes ingame


1amalettuce in-game.

hihihi101267 exists

Tis me
Randomness - Roblox

TheEvilReeve - Roblox

Surep21, although i have my roblox profile in my description