Good News For Fishermen


Idk, who knows what’s in vetex’s mind but so far, he disregarded any suggestions about making fishing into a minigame

I don’t wanna jump to conclusions but that just sounds like excuse because of laziness

i usually side with vetex because it’s HIS game, but using the “turn your brain off” excuse just because you don’t wanna make fishing a full mechanic is so lazy

Yeah I hate it when dumb excuses like that are used.

there’s no downside from making a fishing minigame, apart from maybe some bugs and a little bit of work

This thread has been going on for a while now but we can safely assume macro fishing will explode again.


1 positive thing is that fishing items will be cheaper

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Eh, ngl I havent said this in the original post but vetex did say it won’t be needed anymore, implying there’s better measures to prevent it now but I could just be thinking about it too deep


Hopefully, he didn’t mention any measures tho

as long as he doesn’t obliterate my autoclicker. I don’t want to get carpal tunnel trying to reel in a shark

Autoclicker is fair game ngl.

Just add auto eat to the macro and problem solved…

Honestly just allow macros, Thats not that bad, fishing takes too long of a time, we should be against exploits not macros.
I do not use (i have 30 fish cought)

they were allowed back in wom, i dont know why they got banned though, im not sure if vetex was bothered or the traders cried when their sunkens lost value. And yes i agree they should be allowed

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Honestly yeah, out of all the games ive played that have fishing in them, wom/AO has gotta be the hardest to do, just because of how long it takes for a fish to get hooked, and how unforgiving it is compared to other games when reeling in. If you dont immediately start clicking after it hooks, then its bye bye fish, unlike a lot of other games with a pretty good window for you to start reeling.

we should just copy stardew valley fishing

Thats not that much its just common sense

doesnt mean you can’t have 2 fishing “styles”, where one style is the current style and the other one is more active for better loot or more consistent hooks