Grinding gems

tbh he should not even release the update and finish dark sea update aswell these potions and gems going to be mastered in 2 days

Have you seen the drop rates for gems?
That sht aint getting mastered in 2 days unless you got dream luck or saved up like 150 gems

i aint sell mine

Who does even?

new players idk

But we got WHALES to NUKE :nod:


chest route/rock farming with double beam/mountain wind gives a lot

I know, they still dont drop that much

mountain wind exploit is what got them wiped in the first place

I have more than 20 of each of the 14 gems.
And also I made a vid about potions/gems route

I just hope vetex deosn’t wipe again(6k seaweed TTwTT)

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oh wait, is there mention of “unsocketing” gems
plz don’t destroy my precious(lord of the rings)

Jewels can be unsocketed at a crafting table for galleons

ahh yes… if only the table was portable…
add portable cooking pot plz

lets hope we get “portable” versions of crafting stations as ship attachments of some kind
(if we will then the update including the frigate update would be an excellent time to add such a feature)


the legends of the war seas: tears of ravenna

gems will be wiped when the update drops, leaving one of each left in your inventory

and yea

no they wont be
atleast vetex never said they will be

haha nice joke man where the /j tho…

its a joke right

All gems you have in your inventory will be lowered to 1 (one, a single) because vetex doesnt like giving his players fun, so it will take at least a week before mastering it, avarage

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