Guild Update Thumbnail Ideas?

I have 0 ideas for this help pls


gib us artists a prompt list, we’ll whip something up for ya

but also

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a picture of danny green
trash get it *good joke don’t kill me

Just take some images of guild logos

To be honest, just make a thumbnail with the new area and weather n shit, plus add like a few couple of people there. so ezpz

that might be a little biased

Something like a tornado in the bronze grasslands would be nice

a bunch of people on two sides with different armor and magics fighting in bronze wilderness with tornadoes in the background

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i probably perfer a thumbnail that shows a guild war against two guilds, in a background with people fighting from guild to guild to see who takes over as if like its a war over a area to take over will be interesting

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A picture of a dude standing on a rock looking at magius, then words saying Hero or Villan, it is yours to decide.

Guild members take group photos, you can make a fancier version of a group photo as the thumbnail.

The king fighting the minotaur or minotaur fighting mc.

Oh shit wrong update

Some of these might be over the top but i think it would represent the guild update well

  • 2v2 with perhaps one person on each side having a guild flag to represent guild walls
  • 4-5 people with a guild flag
  • 2 people chilling in bronze grasslands. Perhaps in a cave?
  • Someone getting sucked into a tornado?
  • 1v3 combat encounter?
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a dude running while getting shot by blasts from multiple people with the guild banner or maybe fighting back with a beam

a low angle render/art piece of three guildies looking over a cliff proudly wielding their guild flag, overlooking a new area like bronze grasslands maybe

i might draw a proper scene of it, i already have a guild in mind that’ll suit vetex


Something similar to this would be nice.

have two sides fighting each other so it fits in with “two guilds fighting each other” hence the guild update

similar to the old ones but this time it is the group of wizard maybe with same color cape

edit :

what i mean by the old ones


Have @tong draw you a picture