Guildmate is locked out from joining the clan

What were you doing before bug occurred: My co-leader had two files in the guild before the ability to join the same guild on multiple files was removed. Just today, he decided to change his main, so he left the guild on his Warrior and his Berserker (which were the slots he was in on). However, one of his remains in the guild, a character he deleted weeks prior, and is unkickable, meaning that I cannot reinvite him. He also recently changed his username, and the file in the guild is under his old username, if that has any affect.

Would love a solution on this. Remaking the clan just to let my co-leader join is not a feasible option, and it really should never have had to come to this.

Steps to reproduce: Unsure, but likely either something to do with the username change, or with having been in the guild in multiple files before it was patched.

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game): Not sure this applies here, but included anyways.


If this could be username-related, his old username is “FannonCoder” and his new username is “Bingle1402”.


(Both of these screenshots were taken while his account was in my server.)

If there is any solution to this, even if it involves changing his username back.

And for any others reading this who wish to prevent bugs like this from happening again, I suggest you vote on another topic of mine.

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